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Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 26 notícias
How Thermodynamics Unlocks the Secrets of an Expanding Universe
Publicado em 17 abril 2024
Researchers have utilized the Grüneisen parameter in studying the universe’s expansion, linking thermodynamics with cosmology. Their findings suggest the universe’s continuous cooling is related to its adiabatic expansion, and the potential variability of the cosmological constant challenges traditional models. Credit:
The shift from a decelerating expansion regime (in the radiation- and matter-dominated era) to an accelerating expansion regime (in the dark [...]
How a Decimal Place Could Redefine Physics
Publicado emThe magnetic moment of the muon has posed a scientific puzzle due to the slight difference between its theoretical and experimental values, suggesting interactions with unknown particles or forces. Research involving advanced quantum simulations has started to unravel these discrepancies, offering insights into the fundamental properties of muons and their interactions in particle physics. Credit: The researchers identified the origin of discrepancies in recent predictions [...]ver notícia -
Researchers obtain promising results for control of pollutants in water
Publicado emAn article published in the journal Catalysis Communications describes a simple, efficient and sustainable approach to the degradation and quantitative monitoring of a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), emerging pollutants that contaminate various ecosystems, owing to oil and other fossil fuel spills and improper disposal of industrial waste. Emerging pollutants are chemical compounds that have recently been identified as harmful to human health and the environment, but are [...]ver notícia -
Brazilian single-dose dengue vaccine could help turn tide in the fight against fever
Publicado emDengue, caused by the virus transmitted by the bite of the female Aedes aegypti mosquito and, to a lesser extent, the Aedes albopictus mosquito, is an acute illness characterized mainly by high fever, body aches, and redness of the skin. A small fraction of those displaying symptoms can experience a worsening disease at the end of the first week. These cases, classified as dengue with warning signs and severe dengue by the World Health Organization (WHO), are the most worrying, leading to [...]ver notícia -
How Brazilian Green Propolis Fights Cancer
Publicado emA new study examined how artepillin C impacts both healthy and cancerous cells, alongside investigating how changes in the pH of the medium influence its effectiveness. Propolis is a resinous substance collected by bees from tree buds and other botanical sources, used to seal and protect their hives. Known for its antimicrobial properties, propolis has been utilized in traditional medicine to support wound healing, boost the immune system, and treat various ailments. A new study examined [...]ver notícia -
Novel material increases efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells
Publicado em 27 fevereiro 2024In an article published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C , Brazilian researchers describe a strategy to enhance the efficiency and stability of solar cells made of perovskite, a semiconductor material produced in the laboratory. The results of the project could be highly positive for the future of the solar power sector. Developed by researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Bauru, Brazil, the method involves the use of a class of materials known as MXenes, a family [...]ver notícia -
Breaking the Rules – Important Molecular Pathway for Control of Aging Discovered
Publicado em 20 fevereiro 2024Research on the roundworm species C. elegans has demonstrated that disruptions in the transfer of RNA between cells across various tissues can lead to a shortened lifespan. Cells in various tissues interact by sharing RNA molecules. A study conducted by scientists from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil, using the roundworm species Caenorhabditis elegans, discovered that disruptions in this method of communication can lead to a reduced lifespan for the organism. The study [...]ver notícia -
New Research Sheds Light on How Dinosaurs Became Giants
Publicado em 13 setembro 2023Bone cavities, known as air sacs, emerged in precursors of long-necked dinosaurs roughly 225 million years ago, as evidenced by a specimen unearthed in Rio Grande do Sul, South Brazil. The research also indicates that air sacs did not evolve as linearly as scientists believe. Credit: Márcio L. Castro Bone cavities called air sacs emerged in the precursors of long-necked dinosaurs around 225 million years ago, according to the analysis of a specimen found in Rio Grande do [...]ver notícia -
COVID-19 can trigger auto-immune disorders-related antibodies, causing thrombosis and other complications
Publicado em 12 setembro 2023An article published in npj Aging reveals that natural production of auto-antibodies increases with age, and that infection by SARS-CoV-2 can exacerbate production of auto-antibodies relating to auto-immune diseases, helping to explain why aging increases the chances of developing severe COVID-19. The study also discovered some of the factors that associate the severe form of the disease with blood clotting disorders such as thrombosis. “These findings open the door to a better [...]ver notícia -
Novel enzyme could boost sustainable production of aviation fuel
Publicado em 16 agosto 2023In recent decades, scientists have sought solutions to improve the sustainable production of biofuels from renewable sources. The latest advance in this field was announced at the end of May by Brazilian researchers and could boost the production of sustainable biofuels for aviation and maritime shipping. “After three and a half years of research, we identified an enzyme that can replace the traditional catalysts used in thermochemical routes for the production of aviation [...]ver notícia