Em 2025: 1 notícias
Desde 1995: 73 notícias
Vegan and omnivorous diets promote equivalent muscle mass gain, study shows
Publicado em 20 maio 2021
Protein intake is more important than protein source if the goal is to gain muscle strength and mass. This is the key finding of a study that compared the effects of strength training in volunteers with a vegan or omnivorous diet, both with protein content considered adequate.
In the study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, 38 healthy young adults, half of whom were vegans and half omnivores, were monitored for 12 weeks. In addition to [...]
Researchers develop a technique to produce transplantable livers in the laboratory
Publicado em 05 abril 2021Researchers at the Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center (HUG-CELL), hosted by the University of São Paulo’s Institute of Biosciences (IB-USP) in Brazil, have developed a technique to reconstruct and produce livers in the laboratory. The proof-of-concept study was conducted with rat livers. In the next stage of their research, the scientists will adapt the technique for the production of human livers in order in future to increase the supply of these organs for [...]ver notícia -
Lab-Grown Human Brain Organoids Mimic an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Help Test Treatments
Publicado em 09 dezembro 2020Most autism spectrum disorders have a complex, multifactorial genetic component, making it difficult to find specific treatments. Rett syndrome is an exception. Babies born with this form of the disorder have mutations specifically in the MECP2 gene, causing a severe impairment in brain development that primarily affects females. Yet there is still no treatment — current therapies are aimed at alleviating symptoms, but don’t address the root cause. Researchers at University of [...]ver notícia -
How plants compete for underground real estate affects climate change and food production
Publicado em 05 dezembro 2020You might have observed plants competing for sunlight — the way they stretch upwards and outwards to block each other’s access to the sun’s rays — but out of sight, another type of competition is happening underground. In the same way that you might change the way you forage for free snacks in the break room when your colleagues are present, plants change their use of underground resources when they’re planted alongside other plants. In a paper published today in [...]ver notícia -
Listening to music while driving reduces cardiac stress
Publicado em 14 novembro 2019Stress while driving is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac complications such as heart attack (myocardial infarction), according to studies published in recent years. Selecting suitable driving music may be one way to mitigate this risk. A study by researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Marília, Brazil, suggests that listening to instrumental music, for example, may relieve cardiac stress. The results of the study, which [...]ver notícia -
Cannabidiol reduces aggressiveness, study concludes
Publicado em 30 julho 2019A new study has concluded that cannabidiol attenuates the aggressiveness induced by social isolation. The research, based on a mouse model, was performed by scientists at the University of São Paulo’s Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP-USP) in Brazil. The results are published in the journal Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. “Our study shows that cannabidiol can inhibit aggressiveness and that it does so by facilitating the activation of [...]ver notícia -
Researchers ID genes linked to sex differentiation in giant Amazon fish
Publicado em 25 junho 2019Brazilian and German scientists have completed a collaborative project to sequence and analyze the whole genome of Arapaima gigas, a giant freshwater fish known in Brazil as pirarucu and elsewhere as arapaima or paiche. Its growth rate is the fastest among known freshwater fish species. Its natural distribution covers most of the Amazon River basin in Peru and Brazil. The research led to discoveries that help determine sex at an early stage, facilitating the separation of female and male fry [...]ver notícia -
Simple sea anemones not so simple after all
Publicado em 23 abril 2019COLUMBUS, Ohio - The tube-dwelling anemone is an ancient sea creature that resembles a prehistoric flower. The animals live slow, long and predictable lifestyles and look fairly similar from species to species. It'd be easy to use the word "simple" when considering this relative of coral and jellyfish. But wait - not so fast. New research on tube anemones is challenging everything that evolutionary biologists thought they knew about sea animal genetics. The mitochondrial DNA of [...]ver notícia -
Astronomers Find Evidence Of A Planet With A Mass Almost 13 Times That Of Jupiter
Publicado em 09 abril 2019In the past three decades, almost 4,000 planet-like objects have been discovered orbiting isolated stars outside the Solar System (exoplanets). Beginning in 2011, it was possible to use NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope to observe the first exoplanets in orbit around young binary systems of two live stars with hydrogen still burning in their core. Brazilian astronomers have now found the first evidence of the existence of an exoplanet orbiting an older or more evolved binary in which one of the [...]ver notícia -
Compound that kills drug-resistant fungi is isolated from ant microbiota
Publicado em 05 abril 2019Antimicrobial and antifungal resistance, which describe the ability of bacteria and other pathogens to resist the effects of drugs to which they were once sensitive, is a major public health problem worldwide. A study published recently in the journal Nature Communications suggests that the solution may come from the tiny bodies of insects, or more accurately, from the microbiota that they host. This innovative hypothesis was first proposed by Brazilian and US researchers as part of a [...]ver notícia