Em 2025: 1 notícias
Desde 1995: 73 notícias
Gene Therapy Reverses Effects of Autism-Linked Mutation in Brain Organoids
Publicado em 03 maio 2022
In a study published May 02, 2022 in Nature Communications, scientists at University of California San Diego School of Medicine used human brain organoids to reveal how a genetic mutation associated with a profound form of autism disrupts neural development. Using gene therapy tools to recover the gene’s function effectively rescued neural structure and function.
Several neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and schizophrenia have been [...]
Gold increases vaccine efficacy by more than 25%
Publicado em 19 abril 2022Vaccines can be made over 25% more effective by adding left-handed chiral gold nanoparticles as adjuvants, according to a study by an international collaboration in which Brazilian researchers took part. An article reporting the results is published in Nature. Three research groups collaborated on the study, one affiliated with the University of Michigan in the United States, and another with Jiangnan University in China. The Brazilian group was led by André Farias [...]ver notícia -
Scientists Discover How Molecule Becomes Anticancer Weapon
Publicado emYears of toil in the laboratory have revealed how a marine bacterium makes a potent anti-cancer molecule. The anti-cancer molecule salinosporamide A, also called Marizomib, is in Phase III clinical trials to treat glioblastoma, a brain cancer. Scientists now for the first time understand the enzyme-driven process that activates the molecule. Researchers at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography found that an enzyme called SalC assembles what the team calls the [...]ver notícia -
Twisted vibrations enable quality control for chiral drugs and supplements: Terahertz light creates twisting vibrations in biomolecules such as proteins, confirming whether their compositions and structures are safe and effective.
Publicado emIt’s not easy to be sure that drugs and supplements with twisted—or chiral—structures are turning in the correct direction. Now, twirling infrared light can probe both the structures of molecular crystals and their twists, research led by the University of Michigan has shown. The researchers hope that the technique could also help diagnose harmful accumulations of twisted molecules in the body, including bladder stones, insulin fibrils and amyloid aggregations such as the [...]ver notícia -
Active Covid found in patients more than 230 days after onset
Publicado em 28 janeiro 2022In a 38-year-old man who manifested mild symptoms of COVID-19 for 20 days, the novel coronavirus continued to be detected in his organism and to undergo mutations for 232 days. If he had not been given continuous medical care, maintained social distancing and worn a mask, he could have spread the virus throughout these seven months. The atypical case of infection by SARS-CoV-2 was part of a study involving 38 Brazilian patients followed on a weekly basis between April and November 2020 by [...]ver notícia -
Active Covid found in patients more than 230 days after onset
Publicado em 27 janeiro 2022In a 38-year-old man who manifested mild symptoms of COVID-19 for 20 days, the novel coronavirus continued to be detected in his organism and to undergo mutations for 232 days. If he had not been given continuous medical care, maintained social distancing and worn a mask, he could have spread the virus throughout these seven months. The atypical case of infection by SARS-CoV-2 was part of a study involving 38 Brazilian patients followed on a weekly basis between April and November 2020 by [...]ver notícia -
Treatment with injections of zika virus destroys brain tumors in mice without causing neurological damage
Publicado em 12 janeiro 2022In a study conducted at the University of São Paulo’s Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center (HUG-CELL) in Brazil, serial systemic injections of zika virus into mice with brain tumors destroyed the cancer without causing neurological damage or injuring other organs, and increased the animals’ survival rate. The scientists also injected zika into cerebral organoids, brain-like organs created in vitro using stem cells. The virus not only prevented progression of the [...]ver notícia -
Making babies: Amphibians’ known reproductive modes jumps from from 39 to 74
Publicado em 05 novembro 2021A Brazilian study described in an article published in the journal Salamandra evidences the versatility of amphibians in terms of reproductive modes: their eggs and larvae can develop in at least 74 different ways. Signed by scientists at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil, the article compiles data available in the specialized literature and collected by the authors over decades of research. In addition, it proposes [...]ver notícia -
Droughts may increase in South America by the end of the century
Publicado em 28 julho 2021If greenhouse gas emissions remain at current levels, the average temperature in South America could rise by as much as 4 °C between now and the end of the century under a worst-case scenario, making extreme weather events such as droughts, floods and wildfires more frequent and intense in the region. The prediction comes from a study by an international group of scientists, including Brazilian researchers. The study was supported by São Paulo Research Foundation – FAPESP via [...]ver notícia -
Vegan and omnivorous diets promote equivalent muscle mass gain, study shows
Publicado em 21 maio 2021Protein intake is more important than protein source if the goal is to gain muscle strength and mass. This is the key finding of a study that compared the effects of strength training in volunteers with a vegan or omnivorous diet, both with protein content considered adequate. In the study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil, 38 healthy young adults, half of whom were vegans and half omnivores, were monitored for 12 weeks. In addition to [...]ver notícia