Web India 123 (Índia)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 53 notícias
Study gives insight into significance of genetic sequencing to diagnosis of growth disorders
Publicado em 17 fevereiro 2024
Sao Paulo [Brazil], February 17 (ANI): Brazilian researchers described the case of a nine-year-old boy admitted to the hospital with multiple symptoms and overlapping conditions that made diagnosis difficult, including short stature, thin tooth enamel (dental enamel hypoplasia), moderate mental deficiency, speech delay, asthma, mildly altered blood sugar, and a history of recurring infections in infancy.
The article was published in the Journal of Pediatrics.
The scientists searched for [...]
Research shows bacterial protein capable of keeping human cells healthy
Publicado em 10 novembro 2023Washington DC [US], November 10 (ANI): Researchers at the University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil, in collaboration with colleagues in Australia, discovered a unique bacterial protein that can maintain human cells healthy even when the cells are heavily contaminated with bacteria. The discovery could lead to new treatments for a wide range of mitochondrial dysfunction-related ailments, including cancer and auto-immune disorders. Mitochondria are organelles that provide the majority of the [...]ver notícia -
Researchers develop hydrogel that improves healing of skin lesions in diabetics
Publicado em 27 outubro 2023Washington [US], October 27 (ANI): Researchers have discovered a low-cost anti-inflammatory hydrogel that could one day be used to treat persistent skin lesions such as those observed in diabetics. In a paper published in the journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, they presented the results of animal studies. According to the International Diabetes Federation, Brazil ranks sixth among countries with the most diabetes cases, which has reached epidemic proportions and has become the [...]ver notícia -
Sanitised ready-to-eat salad may contain pathogenic bacteria:Research
Publicado em 03 setembro 2023A review paper published in the journal Foods describes a study that provides an overview of studies on minimally processed vegetables (MPVs), with a particular focus on the Brazilian market. Data is presented on hygiene indicators and pathogenic microorganisms, especially Escherichia coli (the main indicator of fecal contamination), Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes, with prevalence rates ranging from 0.7 per cent to 100 per cent, 0.6 per cent to 26.7 per cent, and 0.2 per cent to [...]ver notícia -
Sanitized ready-to-eat salad may contain disease-causing bacteria: Research
Publicado em 30 agosto 2023Washington DC, August 30: A review paper published in the journal Foods describes a study that provides an overview of studies on minimally processed vegetables, with a particular focus on the Brazilian market. Data is presented on hygiene indicators and pathogenic microorganisms, especially Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., and Listeria monocytogenes, with prevalence rates ranging from 0.7 per cent to 100 per cent, 0.6 per cent to 26.7 per cent, and 0.2 per cent to 33.3 per cent [...]ver notícia -
Researchers reveal artificial intelligence can diagnose autism spectrum disorder
Publicado em 20 agosto 2023According to a study, artificial intelligence can make a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. 'Scientific Reports' is a journal that published the study. Due to the intricacy of the condition, diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) still presents a difficult issue that calls for highly qualified clinicians. Multifactorial neurodevelopmental disorder autism has a wide range of symptoms. The study was based on brain imaging data for 500 people, about half of whom (242) had [...]ver notícia -
Artificial intelligence can diagnose autism spectrum disorder: Study
Publicado em 15 agosto 2023A study has found that artificial intelligence can diagnose autism spectrum disorder. The study was published in the journal, 'Scientific Reports'. Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is still a daunting challenge because of the degree of complexity involved, requiring highly specialized professionals. Autism is a multifactorial neurodevelopment disorder with widely varying symptoms. The study was based on brain imaging data for 500 people, about half of whom (242) had [...]ver notícia -
Study gives more insight into treatment of schistosomias
Publicado em 22 julho 2023The schistosomiasis worms (Schistosoma mansoni) are uncommon in a number of aspects, most notably the requirement that male and female adults remain partnered throughout their lives in order for reproduction to be effective. As many as 3,000 eggs might be laid daily by females. About half go to the stomach or bladder of the host. The remainder is carried away by the circulation to the liver and spleen, where they cause serious inflammation and liver cirrhosis, which is the leading cause of [...]ver notícia -
Researchers Reveal How Resistance Training Can Prevent Alzheimer's Disease
Publicado em 04 julho 2023Sao Paulo [Brazil], July 4 (ANI): Regular physical exercise, such as resistance training, can help to prevent Alzheimer's disease or postpone the onset of symptoms, and it is a simple and inexpensive therapy for Alzheimer's patients. This is the conclusion of a paper published in Frontiers in Neuroscience by Brazilian researchers from the Federal University of S. Paulo (UNIFESP) and the University of S. Paulo (USP). Although most Alzheimer's patients and older individuals are [...]ver notícia -
Study finds common sleep hormone pill can worsen bowel inflammation
Publicado em 04 junho 2023Despite its antioxidant effects and role in regulating sleep cycles, melatonin, popularly known as the "sleep hormone", can worsen inflammation of the intestine and impair the action of gut microbiota, warned a study. The community of bacteria and other microbes in the gut is important to health, helping control digestion and benefiting the immune system. An imbalance of unhealthy and healthy microbes in the intestines may contribute to weight gain, high blood sugar, [...]ver notícia