Technology Org
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 10 notícias
Nanoscale engineering brings light-twisting materials to more extreme settings
Publicado em 03 junho 2024
Imaging the hot turbulence of aircraft propulsion systems may now be possible with sturdy sheets of composite materials that twist light beams, according to research led by the University of Michigan and Air Force Research Laboratory.
The sheets were produced with a new manufacturing method that opens possibilities beyond aircraft design, as it enables new classes of materials to be used in polarization optics. While the team demonstrated high temperature tolerance, new mechanical, [...]
Craving snacks after a meal? It might be food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite
Publicado em 21 abril 2024People who find themselves rummaging around in the refrigerator for a snack not long after they’ve eaten a filling meal might have overactive food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite. UCLA psychologists have discovered a circuit in the brain of mice that makes them crave food and seek it out, even when they are not hungry. When stimulated, this cluster of cells propels mice to forage vigorously and to prefer fatty and pleasurable foods like chocolate over healthier foods like [...]ver notícia -
Our Surprising Magnetic Galaxy
Publicado em 16 janeiro 2024The first 3D map of magnetic fields in our galaxy explains star-forming regions. A team of astronomers including those from the University of Tokyo created the first-ever map of magnetic field structures within a spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy. Previous studies on galactic magnetic fields only gave a very general picture, but the new study reveals that magnetic fields in the spiral arms of our galaxy break away from this general picture significantly and are tilted away from the [...]ver notícia -
Copper-based catalysts efficiently turn carbon dioxide into methane
Publicado em 26 setembro 2023The lab of Rice University materials scientist Pulickel Ajayan and collaborators developed a way to wrest the carbon from carbon dioxide and affix it to hydrogen atoms, forming methane ⎯ a valuable fuel and industrial feedstock. According to the study published in Advanced Materials, the method relies on electrolysis and catalysts developed by grafting isolated copper atoms on two-dimensional polymer templates. “Electricity-driven carbon dioxide conversion can produce a large array [...]ver notícia -
ESA’s Cheops finds an unexpected ring around dwarf planet Quaoar
Publicado em 24 fevereiro 2023During a break from looking at planets around other stars, ESA’s CHaracterising Exoplanet Satellite (Cheops) mission has observed a dwarf planet in our own Solar System and made a decisive contribution to the discovery of a dense ring of material around it. The dwarf planet is known as Quaoar. The presence of a ring at a distance of almost seven and a half times the radius of Quaoar, opens up a mystery for astronomers to solve: why has this material not coalesced into a small [...]ver notícia -
Gene Therapy Reverses Effects of Autism-Linked Mutation in Brain Organoids
Publicado em 04 maio 2022Nature Communications, scientists at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine used human brain organoids to reveal how a genetic mutation associated with a profound form of autism disrupts neural development. Using gene therapy tools to recover the gene’s function effectively rescued neural structure and function. Several neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and schizophrenia, have been linked to mutations in [...]ver notícia -
Impact of rising levels of CO2 in the Amazon could outdo that of deforestation in reducing rainfall
Publicado em 06 julho 2021A 50% rise in the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere could reduce rainfall in the Amazon as much as or even more than substitution of the entire forest by pasture. The rise in CO2 would reduce the amount of water vapor emitted by the forest, leading to a 12% annual drop in the volume of rainfall, while total deforestation would reduce rainfall by 9%. These estimates are presented in a study published in Biogeosciences by scientists affiliated with the National [...]ver notícia -
Study details how aerobic exercise reverses degenerative process that leads to metabolic diseases
Publicado em 30 dezembro 2020Experiments with mice and humans showed that exercise training increased the expression in adipose tissue of a key enzyme for the organism’s metabolic health, combating the harmful effects of aging and obesity Adipose tissue is not just a simple reservoir of energy for periods of food scarcity. It contributes significantly to regulation of the metabolism, releasing various molecules into the bloodstream, including microRNAs that modulate the expression of key genes in different parts of [...]ver notícia -
Brazilian Researchers have Developed an Alternative to Plastic made from Industrial Waste
Publicado em 21 dezembro 2020Researchers at the São Paulo State University in Ilha Solteira (UNESP) have developed a biodegradable film made from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and scraps of bacterial cellulose typically discarded by manufacturers of biofilms. “One of the limitations of films made of HPMC and other biopolymers is their low mechanical strength compared with traditional films derived from petroleum. They are also highly permeable to water vapour, which limits the available applications. [...]ver notícia -
Scientists shocked to discover two new species of electric eel
Publicado em 11 setembro 2019An international team of scientists has discovered two new species of electric eel, one of which delivers 860 volts; the highest level of electricity generated by any living creature. “Eight hundred and sixty volts is an incredible output of electricity for an animal.Our electric plug points are 110 volts,” said Casey Dillman,curator of fishes, amphibians and reptiles at the Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates and a co-author of a study published Sept. 10 in Nature [...]ver notícia