TechCodex (Índia)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 67 notícias
Review article shows key role of Brazil in research on sugarcane for bioenergy
Publicado em 28 novembro 2023
Publications on sugar cane have increased exponentially since 2006 worldwide, and Brazil has had more articles published on the topic than any other country in the period, according to a review in BioEnergy Research.
The number of articles on the subject averaged about five per year between 1999 and 2006, but had reached 327 by 2021. Brazil has twice as many articles on sugar cane as the United States, which ranks first in the world for scientific publications in general. Brazil is also [...]
Artificial intelligence helps Brazilian breeders select desired traits of native fish
Publicado em 16 dezembro 2022If you look at a net full of pacus (Piaractus mesopotamicus), you cannot distinguish with the naked eye which individuals will have descendants with higher filet yield or faster weight gain. Their growth can be monitored with a tape measure, and they can be weighed on a scale. The data can be tabulated and compared. But to breed an entire population with the right characteristics, some 2,000 fish per generation must be measured and weighed, and the task can take days. In Brazil, [...]ver notícia -
Reducing childhood poverty could cut criminal convictions by almost a quarter, study shows
Publicado em 01 novembro 2022A significant reduction in childhood poverty could cut criminal convictions by almost a quarter, according to a study conducted in Brazil. An article on the study is published in Scientific Reports. The researchers used an innovative approach involving an analysis of 22 risk factors that affect human development and interviews with 1,905 children at two points—a first interview to form a baseline (mean age 10.3) and a follow-up interview seven years later (mean age 17.8). The [...]ver notícia -
Study estimates how much deforestation could increase if restrictions on mining in the Amazon are lifted
Publicado em 25 outubro 2022A model developed by Brazilian researchers shows that opening up protected areas of the Amazon to mining projects would lead to the deforestation of 183 square kilometers (km²) due directly to new mines and the loss of an additional 7,626 km² of forest to the direct and indirect impacts of infrastructure construction. The scientists mapped 242 mineral deposits in the National Reserve of Copper and Associated Minerals (RENCA), an area located in the northern states of Amapá [...]ver notícia -
Artificial intelligence helps predict performance of sugarcane in the field
Publicado em 19 outubro 2022A Brazilian study published in Scientific Reports shows that artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to create efficient models for genomic selection of sugarcane and forage grass varieties and predict their performance in the field on the basis of their DNA. In terms of accuracy compared with traditional breeding techniques, the proposed methodology improved predictive power by more than 50%. This is the first time a highly efficient genomic selection method based on machine learning has [...]ver notícia -
Study shows challenge of promoting citizen science to help prevent disasters caused by flooding
Publicado em 05 outubro 2022An application developed in collaboration with vulnerable communities to transmit early warnings of the risk of floods and environmental disasters has become public policy in Brazil, and the methodology is being replicated for use elsewhere. With practical results obtained in 2022, part of the discussions involving proposals to improve flood risk governance began at least two years ago. An article published in Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal reflects one of the [...]ver notícia -
Team Reports On A Fungus That Simultaneously Combats Two Of The Worst Threats To Banana Plantation Yields
Publicado em 29 setembro 2022The banana borer Cosmopolites sordidus and the disease Fusarium wilt, caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum, are among the most harmful pests that threaten the livelihoods of banana growers, who face major challenges in attempting to control them. The former is a species of weevil that bores into the plant’s rhizome (the underground stem that produces roots and shoots), weakening its root system, reducing nutrient absorption and significantly lowering yield. The adult insect [...]ver notícia -
Risk of urban tree falls in São Paulo is influenced by building height and neighborhood age, study shows
Publicado em 29 setembro 2022According to a study in the journal Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, the factors that most influence and increase the risk of tree failure in São Paulo (the capital of São Paulo state in Brazil) are the height of nearby buildings and the age of the neighborhood. Sidewalk width and tree height are the next most significant variables. Tree failure in streets with buildings of five or more stories is double the average for the city as a whole, the researchers found. It is also [...]ver notícia -
Researchers identify genes potentially responsible for sugarcane’s resistance to pests, cold and drought
Publicado em 27 setembro 2022A study conducted at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil has identified orphan genes in wild sugarcane (Saccharum spontaneum), a species with exceptional resistance to biotic stresses such as nematodes, fungi, bacteria and other pests and diseases, and abiotic stresses such as cold, drought, salinity and nutrient-poor soil. According to an article about the study published in the journal Frontiers in plant sciences the scientists in charge set out to see if the orphan genes [...]ver notícia -
Study shows potential of Southern cattail for phytoremediation of areas contaminated by mine tailings
Publicado em 15 setembro 2022Typha domingensis, the Southern cattail, a reedy marsh plant that inhabits fresh to slightly brackish waters and is about 2.5 m tall, can scavenge up to 34 times more manganese from contaminated soil than other plants found in similar environments. In a recent study, it accumulated between 10 and 13 times more manganese than other naturally occurring wetland plants such as hibiscus, sedges and rushes, demonstrating its potential for use in sustainable rehabilitation of areas affected by iron [...]ver notícia