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Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 36 notícias
Nanoscale engineering brings light-twisting materials to more extreme settings
Publicado em 30 maio 2024
Imaging the hot turbulence of aircraft propulsion systems may now be possible with sturdy sheets of composite materials that twist light beams, according to research led by the University of Michigan and Air Force Research Laboratory.
The sheets were produced with a new manufacturing method that opens possibilities beyond aircraft design, as it enables new classes of materials to be used in polarization optics. While the team demonstrated high temperature tolerance, new mechanical, [...]
Our Surprising Magnetic Galaxy
Publicado em 11 janeiro 2024The first 3D map of magnetic fields in our galaxy explains star-forming regions. A team of astronomers including those from the University of Tokyo created the first-ever map of magnetic field structures within a spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy. Previous studies on galactic magnetic fields only gave a very general picture, but the new study reveals that magnetic fields in the spiral arms of our galaxy break away from this general picture significantly and are tilted away from the [...]ver notícia -
Nanoparticles with antibacterial action shorten duration of tuberculosis treatment
Publicado em 19 dezembro 2023Nanowerk News ) A low-cost technology involving nanoparticles loaded with antibiotics and other antimicrobial compounds that can be used in multiple attacks on infections by the bacterium responsible for most cases of tuberculosis has been developed by researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil and is reported in an article published in the journal Carbohydrate Polymers ( "Antimicrobial peptides grafted onto the surface of N-acetylcysteine-chitosan nanoparticles [...]ver notícia -
Embedding nanodiamonds in polymer can advance quantum computing and biological studies
Publicado em 14 dezembro 2023Nanowerk News ) A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a defect in the crystal structure of diamond, where a nitrogen atom replaces a carbon atom in the diamond lattice and a neighboring site in the lattice is vacant. This and other fluorescent defects in diamond, known as color centers, have attracted researchers’ attention owing to their quantum properties, such as single-photon emission at room temperature and with long coherence time. Their many applications include quantum information [...]ver notícia -
Copper-based 2D catalysts efficiently turn carbon dioxide into methane
Publicado em 25 setembro 2023(Nanowerk News) - Technologies for removing carbon from the atmosphere keep improving, but solutions for what to do with the carbon once it’s captured are harder to come by. The lab of Rice University materials scientist Pulickel Ajayan and collaborators developed a way to wrest the carbon from carbon dioxide and affix it to hydrogen atoms, forming methane ⎯ a valuable fuel and industrial feedstock. According to the study published in Advanced Materials ("Cooperative Copper [...]ver notícia -
Temperature of solar flares helps understand nature of solar plasma
Publicado em 16 maio 2023The Sun’s rotation produces changes in its magnetic field, which flips completely every 11 years or so, triggering a phase of intense activity. Solar flares – huge eruptions from the surface of the Sun lasting minutes or hours – emit intense bursts of particles and high levels of electromagnetic radiation. The release of energy during solar flares heats the chromosphere, causing almost full ionization of the atomic hydrogen present in the region. The chromosphere is a thin [...]ver notícia -
Nanoencapsulation strategy to protect bioactive compounds from food during digestion
Publicado em(Nanowerk News) Bioactive compounds present mostly in fruit and vegetables perform different bodily functions relating to health and well-being. Their effects are considered antioxidant, antidiabetic, antiaging and anticancer, among others. Many studies are looking for ways to optimize absorption of bioactive compounds by the organism and increase their bioavailability – the proportion that enters the bloodstream after absorption. One way is to coat the compounds with another material [...]ver notícia -
Researchers Create a Low-cost Sensor That Detects Heavy Metals in Sweat
Publicado em 23 janeiro 2023Nanowerk News ) Heavy metals such as lead and cadmium are present in batteries, cosmetics, food and other things that are part of everyday life. They are toxic when they accumulate in the human organism, potentially causing several health problems, but detecting them in body fluids requires expensive equipment and a controlled laboratory environment. Researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil have now developed a portable sensor made of simple materials to detect heavy [...]ver notícia -
Dwarf planet Ceres was formed in coldest zone of Solar System and thrust into Asteroid Belt
Publicado em 19 maio 2022(Nanowerk News) In an article published in the journal Icarus ("Dynamical origin of the Dwarf Planet Ceres"), researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) and collaborators report the findings of a study reconstituting the formation of the dwarf planet Ceres. The research was conducted by Rafael Ribeiro de Sousa, a professor in the program of graduate studies in physics on the Guaratinguetá campus. The co-authors of the article are Ernesto Vieira Neto, [...]ver notícia -
Chiral gold nanoparticles increase vaccine efficacy by more than 25%
Publicado em 18 abril 2022(Nanowerk News) Vaccines can be made over 25% more effective by adding left-handed chiral gold nanoparticles as adjuvants, according to a study by an international collaboration in which Brazilian researchers took part. Three research groups collaborated on the study, one affiliated with the University of Michigan in the United States, and another with Jiangnan University in China. The Brazilian group was led by André Farias de Moura, a professor in the Chemistry Department at the [...]ver notícia