Innovations Report (Alemanha)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 52 notícias
Der Amazonas-Regenwald als Wolkenmaschine
Publicado em 06 dezembro 2024
Wie Gewitter und Pflanzen-Ausdünstungen Kondensationskeime erzeugen. Der Regenwald im Amazonas dünstet riesige Mengen von gasförmigem Isopren aus.
Bislang galt, dass dieses Molekül nicht weit in der Atmosphäre verbreitet wird, da es unter Lichteinwirkung rasch zerfällt. Die Messkampagne CAFE-Brazil lieferte Daten für zwei Studien, die jetzt als Titelgeschichte der Zeitschrift Nature erscheinen und das anders sehen: Demnach transportieren nächtliche [...]
Selenium Carrier Proteins
Publicado em 18 novembro 2024A recent study from the University of Würzburg unveiled a key enzyme involved in producing selenoproteins, opening new strategies for treating certain types of cancer in children. Selenoproteins are crucial for several biological functions, including the breakdown of harmful substances, immune system support, and regulating metabolic processes. However, in specific contexts, these proteins can be misused and shield cancer cells from death. One such protein, glutathione peroxidase 4 [...]ver notícia -
Novel method enhances size-controlled production of luminescent quantum dots
Publicado em 03 julho 2024In a study conducted at the University of São Paulo and described in Scientific Reports, the diameter of semiconductor quantum dots was monitored in real time via the wavelength of the emitted light. Luminescence refers to the result of a process in which an object absorbs light at one wavelength and then re-emits it at another wavelength. Through light absorption, electrons in the ground state of the material are excited to a higher energy state. After a certain amount of time [...]ver notícia -
Beating by overheating: new strategy to combat cancer
Publicado emMany new drugs inhibit the processes that cancer cells need to divide rapidly. So as to inhibit the cancer as a whole. But cancer cells have all sorts of workarounds to get around that effect. As a result, the tumor becomes unresponsive to treatment. That’s why researcher Matheus dos Santos Dias is taking a completely different approach. He had to convince some colleagues before he could start working on this quite surprising idea. After all, you’re not going to give cancer cells [...]ver notícia -
Results for control of pollutants in water
Publicado emThe mixture of pollutants was degraded by means of a photochemical system in which a light source is activated by microwave radiation Brazilian scientists tested a simple and sustainable method for monitoring and degrading a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, compounds present in fossil fuels and industrial waste. An article published in the journal Catalysis Communications describes a simple, efficient and sustainable approach to the degradation and quantitative monitoring of a [...]ver notícia -
Amazonas-Regenwald auf der Kippe
Publicado em 15 fevereiro 2024Waldverlust verstärkt den Klimawandel… Der Amazonas-Regenwald könnte sich einem Kipppunkt nähern, der zu einem großflächigen Zusammenbruch mit schwerwiegenden Auswirkungen auf das globale Klima führen könnte. Eine im Fachmagazin Nature veröffentlichte Studie eines internationalen Forscherteams unter Beteiligung des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) zeigt, dass bis zu 47 Prozent des Amazonaswaldes betroffen sein können [...]ver notícia -
Discoveries can be used to optimize production of annatto powder
Publicado em 12 fevereiro 2024A study by Brazilian researchers shows that the pigment is present not only in the seeds but also in other organs of Bixa orellana, the Annatto tree. They investigated the genetic pathways involved in synthesis of the substance. Researchers at the University of São Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ-USP) and the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) in Brazil have shown for the first time that bixin or annatto powder, a carotenoid pigment extracted from [...]ver notícia -
Our surprising magnetic galaxy
Publicado em 15 janeiro 2024The first 3D map of magnetic fields in our galaxy explains star-forming regions. A team of astronomers including those from the University of Tokyo created the first-ever map of magnetic field structures within a spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy. Previous studies on galactic magnetic fields only gave a very general picture, but the new study reveals that magnetic fields in the spiral arms of our galaxy break away from this general picture significantly and are tilted away from the galactic [...]ver notícia -
Electronic pathways may enhance collective atomic vibrations’ magnetism
Publicado em 18 dezembro 2023Materials with enhanced thermal conductivity are critical for the development of advanced devices to support applications in communications, clean energy and aerospace. But in order to engineer materials with this property, scientists need to understand how phonons, or quantum units of the vibration of atoms, behave in a particular substance. “Phonons are quite important for studying new materials because they govern several material properties such as thermal conductivity and carrier [...]ver notícia -
Development of advanced quantum networks
Publicado em 13 dezembro 2023This research carried out at the State University of Campinas focused on the use of nanometric optomechanical cavities as bridges between superconducting circuits and optical fibers, with applications in computing and quantum communications. The ability to transmit information coherently in the band of the electromagnetic spectrum from microwave to infrared is vitally important to the development of the advanced quantum networks used in computing and communications. A study conducted by [...]ver notícia