West Observer
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 18 notícias
The coffee you enjoyed today could be over 500,000 years old
Publicado em 17 abril 2024
Researchers have discovered that arabica coffee plants are approximately 600,000 years old and emerged through natural crossbreeding of two other coffee species. This information was gathered by building a family tree of coffee plants around the world to better understand the species and protect them from pests and climate change. The wild coffee plants originated in Ethiopia and were first roasted and brewed in Yemen in the 1400s, with their global popularity growing in the 1600s when seven [...]
Fighting obesity is also a struggle to change your lifestyle, say scientists
Publicado emRemedies for obesity treatment, such as Ozempic, are considered the main scientific advances of 2023 in the journal Science. However, the rates of overweight are increasing throughout the world, with emphasis on Latin America. Estimates from 2020 indicate that 14% of the world’s population lived with obesity. It is anticipated that, in 2035, this rate will be 24%, including children, adolescents and adults. “It is important to find nutritional and pharmacological strategies to [...]ver notícia -
Propolis improves immunity and reduces inflammation in people with HIV, according to a study
Publicado em 17 maio 2023The daily consumption of 500 milligrams of propolis by people living with HIV may have benefits for health. É o que aponta um artigo published na Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy journal. In a comparative analysis, the authors identified that, differently from the group that received the placebo – a substance without effect on the organism, the one that received the propolis presented a significant reduction in the plasmatic concentration of malondialdehyde, a marker of [...]ver notícia -
New chikungunya epidemics incapacitate and kill in Brazil, reveals study
Publicado em 10 abril 2023The increase in the incidence and geographic distribution of diseases such as chikungunya and dengue, transmitted by hair Aedes aegypti, represents an important public health problem in the region of the Americas. The alert was issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). Dengue is responsible for the largest number of non-continent cases, with epidemics occurring every three to five years. Dengue fever and chikungunya are endemic in most of the countries of Central America, South America [...]ver notícia -
Video shows how we work para-raios; assist
Publicado emWith an ultra-fast video camera, the triumph of being in the right place at the right time, or physicist Marcelo Saba, researcher at the National Institute of Space Research (Inpe), and doctor Diego Rhamon, obtained an unpublished image of a radio download, showing Details of your connection with various radios located in the immediate vicinity. A rarity of the image seems to have been reproduced in the layer of Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), one of the most important scientific [...]ver notícia -
Male hormone controls diseases associated with early aging of cells
Publicado emThe treatment with male hormones reduced in 100% two patients the progression of the call with two telomeres, promoting an effective improvement in symptoms. This is what shows a clinical study conducted by scientists from the Cellular Therapy Center (CTC). The results of the research were disclosed na haematological magazine. This clinical condition may be caused by a set of rare genetic diseases (telomeropathies) that affects, on average, one person in each group of 1 thousand and causes [...]ver notícia -
Scientists reveal how the enzyme involved in autoimmune diseases works
Publicado emResearchers from the universities of São Paulo (USP) and California in San Diego, in the United States, will be able to reproduce in the laboratory the performance of an enzyme that is directly related to various diseases. A compreensão sobre o funcionamiento das phosphatase enzymes which are involved in a series of biological processes, can open doors for the investigation of drugs that have efficacy on it. The results of the study were published not Journal of Biological [...]ver notícia -
Civil defenses face lack of verbal, personal and structure, show investigations
Publicado em 28 fevereiro 2023Two bodies responsible for the mapping of risk areas, prevention and containment of environmental disasters, the municipal civic defenses face a lack of word, personnel and structure. In cases of storms and extreme rain, such as when the Carnival reached the North coast of São Paulo, it is up to the civil defense to alert and assess the population. The deficit of resources is the main factor for the realization of the work of 67% of the organizations (26% correspond to lack of [...]ver notícia -
Planet still has no place of moon and scientists try to discover the reason
Publicado em 09 fevereiro 2023Recent images from a telescope will reveal that a small planet still located in our solar system has a dense ring around it, and not a moon. Scientists are perplexed with the discovery and attempt to discover the reason for formation. The planet Quaar is one of two about 3,000 small planets that orbit the sun besides Netune and, with a little more than 1,000 kilometers in length, is the seventh largest of them. Quaar observations made between 2018 and 2021 will reveal that the planet [...]ver notícia -
This dwarf planet has a ring instead of a moon, and scientists don’t know why
Publicado em 09 fevereiro 2023(CNN) — Recent data from a telescope revealed that a small planet located in the far reaches of our solar system is surrounded by a dense ring, and scientists are baffled. The planet, called Quaoar, is one of approximately 3,000 small planets that orbit the Sun beyond Neptune. With a width of 1,110 kilometers, it is the seventh largest, with Pluto and Eris being the largest. Observations of Quaoar made between 2018 and 2021 revealed that the planet has a ring located farther away [...]ver notícia