
India Education Diary (Índia)

University of São Paulo: International seminar debates the relationship between money and politics in Brazil (3 notícias)

Publicado em 10 de fevereiro de 2022

Essa notícia também repercutiu nos veículos:
MSN (Brasil) Jornal da USP online

Making a critical assessment of Electoral Justice processes and Operation Car Wash is the objective of the seminar Corporate Crime and Systemic Corruption in Brazil , which will be held on February 14th and 15th with online transmission from 9 am on this link .

The event is promoted by the Sabbatical Year Program of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA) at USP and is part of the closing of the international cooperation project between the São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp) and the German Society for the Support of Research (DFG).

The project involves research on institutional changes brought about by anti-corruption laws, policies and operations in Brazil, relating them to the results of a series of comparative analyzes carried out in different regions of the world. In Brazil, the research was carried out at the Center for Research on Public Policies (NUPPs) at USP and in Germany, by the Department of Sociology at the University of Heidelberg.

The seminar, free and open to the public, will have the participation of professors and researchers from Brazilian institutions and from other countries. There will be simultaneous Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese translation.