TS2 SPACE (Polônia)
Em 2024: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 3 notícias
Advancements in Quantum Networking Pave Way for Improved Technologies
Publicado em 12 dezembro 2023
Researchers at the State University of Campinas, in conjunction with international scientists, have made a significant stride in the field of quantum information technologies by developing advanced optomechanical cavities on the nanoscale. These tiny resonators are designed to effectively harmonize high-frequency mechanical vibrations with infrared light, playing a critical role in advancing the capabilities of quantum computing and communication networks.
This innovative research enables [...]
Tecnologia de Inteligência Artificial Proposta para o Diagnóstico do Autismo
Publicado em 17 agosto 2023Pesquisadores estão sugerindo o uso da tecnologia de inteligência artificial (IA) para auxiliar no diagnóstico do transtorno do espectro do autismo. Uma equipe de pesquisadores do Brasil, França e Alemanha utilizou ressonância magnética para treinar um algoritmo de aprendizagem de máquina, conforme descrito em um artigo recente na Scientific Reports. Eles coletaram dados de imagens cerebrais de 500 indivíduos, incluindo mais de 240 [...]ver notícia -
Artificial Intelligence Shows Potential for Autism Diagnosis, Says Study
Publicado em 16 agosto 2023Researchers have proposed the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to aid in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A team of researchers from Brazil, France, and Germany utilized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to train a machine learning algorithm, as described in a recent article published in Scientific Reports. The researchers collected brain imaging data from 500 individuals, including over 240 who had already been diagnosed with autism. The machine learning [...]ver notícia