The World News (Ucrânia)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 17 notícias
Les scientifiques du Brésil à la pointe du combat contre le coronavirus
Publicado em 08 abril 2020
Malgré la rigueur budgétaire, la communauté scientifique brésilienne mène des recherches de pointe pour combattre le coronavirus, avec des solutions innovantes pour pallier le manque de matériel dans les hôpitaux, tels les respirateurs artificiels.
Dès la confirmation du premier cas de Covid-19 du Brésil, à Sao Paulo, le 26 février, deux chercheuses ont séquencé le génome du virus en un temps [...]
Brasil abre una nueva vía en la carrera por la vacuna contra el coronavirus
Publicado emEs el gran reto actual de la comunidad científica internacional y Brasil, como potencia de Latinoamérica, se ha sumado a esta agónica carrera por descubrir una respuesta inmune eficaz contra el virus que ha paralizado medio mundo, aunque lo ha hecho con un abordaje diferente. Mientras, los brasileños continúan escépticos sobre el alcance de esta pandemia global en el país, donde hay unos 300 casos confirmados y al menos una muerte por [...]ver notícia -
Covid-19: Investigadores brasileiros sequenciam genoma do coronavirus em 48 horas
Publicado emO trabalho foi liderado por cientistas Instituto de Medicina Tropical da Faculdade de Medicina da USP e contou com apoio de investigadores do Instituto Adolfo Lutz e da Universidade de Oxford, que participam num projeto chamado Cadde, apoiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp) e pelo Medical Research Centers, do Reino Unido, para monitorizar epidemias em tempo real. Análises preliminares mostram que o vírus identificado [...]ver notícia -
Brasileira desenvolve novo tratamento para câncer de ovário
Publicado em 27 fevereiro 2020Um grupo de pesquisadores do Brasil, Reino Unido e Itália, coordenado por um professor brasileiro, desenvolveu um composto com ação potente e seletiva contra o câncer de ovário. O estudo realizado com o novo composto à base de paládio – metal raro de alto valor comercial – demonstrou sua eficácia contra células de tumor de ovário sem afetar o tecido saudável. Além disso, testes em células [...]ver notícia -
Publicado em 23 janeiro 2020According to the scientists, the sympathetic nervous system, which triggers the body's rapid involuntary response to dangerous situations, is affected directly by the stress, and consists of nerves that branch from the spine and run throughout the body. Researchers have identified for the first time the mechanism by which chronic stress causes hair colour loss, an advance that may lead to the development of novel drugs which can prevent the whitening of hair. In the study, published [...]ver notícia -
Listening to instrumental music such as jazz while driving can cut traffic stress, new study shows
Publicado em 15 novembro 2019LISTENING to instrumental music such as jazz while driving can reduce stress, a study has found. The research suggests tunes without vocals ease the tension of being in heavy traffic. Stress while driving is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease, according to previous work. But suitable driving music may be one way to lower the danger. The results would be music to the ears of Fast Show TV comedy star John Thomson’s jazz presenter character — famous for his [...]ver notícia -
Conheça 20 tecnologias inovadoras do Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da USP
Publicado em 10 novembro 2019É como um Uber, mas, em vez de carro, eles pedem equipamentos de pesquisa. As universidades estaduais paulistas estão investindo em plataformas online para facilitar o compartilhamento de instrumentos de laboratórios, como microscópios e tomógrafos, por pesquisadores de dentro ou de fora das instituições. O objetivo é evitar que esses instrumentos, caros, fiquem ociosos. Também é uma estratégia de criar novas receitas [...]ver notícia -
'I was scared': Most powerful electric eel ever discovered by scientists
Publicado em 11 setembro 2019A previously undiscovered species of electric eel which delivers a shock with more than three times the voltage of a domestic plug socket has been discovered in the Amazon rainforest. The enormous 2.5 metre eel has been named the Electrophorus voltai after Alessandro Volta, the Italian physicist who invented the battery. The animal, a type of knifefish, can discharge an electric shock reaching as high as 860 volts, the most powerful of any animal known to science. We’ll tell you [...]ver notícia -
Jolting discovery: Powerful new electric eel found
Publicado em 11 setembro 2019WASHINGTON (AP) — The researchers collected 107 eels in four countries and found differences in their DNA, along with minor physical variations. One species had the ability to generate 860 volts of electricity, more than the 650 volts discharged by the only previously identified type of electric eel. While 250 species of fish in South America generate electricity, only electric eels use it to stun prey and for self-protection. Study leader C. David de Santana of Smithsonian National [...]ver notícia -
World’s most powerful electric eel that delivers shock three times stronger than plug socket discovered by scientists
Publicado em 11 setembro 2019A NEW species of electric eel capable of delivering an electric shock three times that of a domestic wall socket has been found in the Amazon. The eight feet long Electrophorus voltai is the world's most powerful electric eel and is capable of generating 860 volts - enough to stun an adult human. The creatures use electricity to stun their prey and have been known to leap out of the water but deaths of humans are extremely rare. The team that made the discovery also found another species [...]ver notícia