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The research group proposes six guidelines for managing the effects of invading species (15 notícias)

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Invasive alien species are defined as flora and fauna that breed and disperse in landscapes beyond their natural limits, adversely affecting the environment, society, and economy. One of the many examples is Brachiaria, a forage grass genus originally introduced in Africa to form cattle pastures in Brazil. It poses a major threat to the survival of native species and biodiversity on several spatial scales.

Complete eradication of invading species is often infeasible. Attempts could have undesired consequences and even damage, as the withdrawal of invading species alone cannot restore the original environment, as in the pine-invaded Cerrado (Savannah, Brazil) region. .. Therefore, according to many experts, the goal should be continuous management, not eradication. This is a policy adopted by researchers in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and the United Kingdom, and agrees on a strategic approach that focuses on mitigating impact rather than eliminating it.

They call their project including Latin America. The name indicates that it is impossible to eradicate invasive alien species and that their growth and effects need to be contained.

This project includes FAPESP, UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UK Research Innovation (UKRI), Newton Foundation, Argentine National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Chilean National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICYT), And the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONCYTEC) in Peru.

This initiative aims to develop management tools to optimize the management of invading species over the medium to long term. The Brazilian members of this group are affiliated with the State University of São Paulo (UNESP) and are coordinated by Alessandra Fideris, a professor at the Rio Claro Institute for Biological Sciences at UNESP.

Research by the CONTAIN group is the subject of articles recently published in the journal. Bioscience.. This study was supported by FAPESP through a research project in which Fidelis is a principal investigator in Brazil.

“Our study not only analyzes invading species, but also provides guidelines for interaction with managers aimed at controlling the growth of these species and mitigating their effects. We are aiming for it, “Fideris told Agência FAPESP.

The full definition given earlier in the article is that invading species “successfully transition through three initial invasion stages (transport, introduction, establishment) and then disperse into breeding, survival, and landscape beyond. Establish multiple independent populations of individuals. ” Their unique range, and the “subset” of invading species, produce an array of “environmental, social, and economic adverse effects on various spatial scales.”

In this vast subset, the project focuses on: In Brazil Brachiaria spp. , Urokuroa spp. Other grasses of African origin introduced as forage crops in cattle pastures, and pine (Pine tree spp. ) Introduced from the Northern Hemisphere for reforestation and for producing pulp and resin. In Argentina, American mink (Neobison bison) Fur production, pine, and privet (Ligustrum spp. ), Originating in Asia, it is introduced here as a roadside tree, hedge or ornamental plant. Chile, pine, mink, yellow jacket or German wasp (Cross hornet) Its origin is unknown until now.

“We propose six criteria for planning to mitigate their impact. The first three consist of a detailed investigation of the situation. Mapping their existence and spatial distribution, Investigating how long each invading species existed, and editing available data on their effects, “Fideris said. “Three are related to the recommended response to the situation: the types of technically, socially and economically feasible interventions, the potential adverse effects of these interventions, and the interventions and their consequences. It is a cost-benefit analysis. “

The COVID-19 pandemic sheds light on the risks of deteriorating the natural environment and the urgent need to implement science-based policies to control and mitigate these risks. “In the case of the species our study focused on, we know that mink is infected with the new coronavirus, so there is a very strong additional reason to implement such a policy,” Fideris said. Said.

This is clearly ineffective unless the knowledge generated by universities and research institutes can be passed on from academia to society in general, especially those in charge of public and private affairs.

Invasive alien species can quickly cause dramatic global biodiversity loss

For more information:

Pablo García-Díazetal, Management Policy for Invasive Alien Species: Dealing with Impacts, Not Species, Bioscience (2020). DOI: 10.1093 / biosci / biaa139

Quote: The research group is an invading species acquired from on March 1, 2021 (March 1, 2021). ) Proposes six guidelines for managing the impact.

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The research group proposes six guidelines for managing the effects of invading species

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