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The pandemic altered the way time is perceived, according to a new study (204 notícias)

Publicado em 28 de abril de 2022

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The pandemic of coronavirus modified and altered lives in countless ways. One of them is the passage of time, as verified by a group of scientists from Brazil. The research was supported by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation and published in Science Advances.

First, the researchers interviewed several people during the first month of social distancing, which was imposed in some states of the neighboring country in 2020, when it broke out. the health crisis. At the end of May of that year, 65% of those interviewed indicated that they had had the sensation that the hours passed more slowly during the pandemic.

This phenomenon, called “temporary expansion” by the authors of the research in Brazil, was associated with both the “lack of positive experiences” and the “feeling of loneliness” due to isolation caused by prevention policies pandemic.