The Cattle Site (Reino Unido)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 12 notícias
Study: dairy farming in Brazil generates low carbon emissions in tree systems
Publicado em 05 abril 2023
A study by Embrapa shows that the carbon footprint (a measure that calculates the carbon emission into the atmosphere by pasture-raising dairy farming) is low.
He also points out that, in intensive grazing systems, 52 trees per cow are needed to reach zero carbon milk.
The study considered two types of production systems - intensive and extensive - and the two breeds most used in dairy farming.
Tree planting is a very important greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation strategy for decarbonizing [...]
Toxoplasma gondii study in the UK wins additional funding
Publicado em 29 outubro 2020Researchers at the UK's Moredun Institute hope to improve understanding of how the parasite operates in different hosts. More than half a million pounds has been awarded to scientists at the Moredun Research Institute to tackle one of the world’s most common parasites. The grant aims to improve understanding of foodborne transmission and the infectious nature of Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and help in the development of future vaccines and drugs. Moredun will [...]ver notícia -
Brazilian Study Identifies Genes Potentially Associated with Heat- and Drought-resistant Cattle
Publicado em 16 outubro 2019Cattle productivity in Brazil is significantly affected by the decline in pasture quality during the dry period of the year, writes André Julião with Agência FAPESP (FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO). In conjunction with the effects of global warming occurring in this century, this problem makes the selection of livestock resistant to climate change increasingly necessary. In an article published in the journal Genetics [...]ver notícia -
New Dairy Breeding Method Increases Genetic Selection Efficiency
Publicado em 09 outubro 2019Brazilian scientists at São Paulo State University (UNESP) collaborating with colleagues at the University of Maryland and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) have developed a dairy cattle breeding method that adds a new parameter to genetic selection and conserves or even improves a population’s genetic diversity, writes André Julião, Agência FAPESP. The study, which is published in Journal of Dairy Science, was funded by the São Paulo Research [...]ver notícia -
New dairy cattle breeding method increases genetic selection efficiency
Publicado em 04 julho 2019Brazilian scientists at São Paulo State University (UNESP) collaborating with colleagues at the University of Maryland and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have developed a dairy cattle breeding method that adds a new parameter to genetic selection and conserves or even improves a population's genetic diversity. The study, which is published in Journal of Dairy Science, was funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP and USDA. Besides genetic value [...]ver notícia -
Identification of Mechanisms of Pesticide Resistance in Cattle Ticks
Publicado em 16 novembro 2018BRAZIL - The cattle tick is controlled by pesticides, invariably leading to the selection of resistant strains. In Brazil, this parasite is currently resistant to a greater or lesser extent to all the commercial pesticides used by cattle farmers. The antiparasitic drug most widely used to control cattle tick populations (as well as human parasites) is ivermectin, a broad-spectrum anthelmintic, acaricide, and insecticide. Brazil's commercial cattle herd totaled 217.7 million animals in 2017, [...]ver notícia -
Genes that Could Lead to Improvement of Beef Cattle Identified
Publicado em 31 outubro 2018BRAZIL - Beef cattle improvement programs have focused for decades on promoting the rapid growth of calves. Now, the goal is to improve other traits, such as meat tenderness or ribeye muscle area. Researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil who are studying the genome of the Gir breed of Zebu cattle have identified 35 genes associated with reproduction, milk composition, growth, meat and carcass, health or body conformation traits. This identification is a key step toward the [...]ver notícia -
Study Finds New Genomic Regions Associated to Weight Gain in Nelore Cattle
Publicado em 08 julho 2018BRAZIL - A pioneering research project has identified genes potentially associated with functions such as growth and weight gain in the Nelore breed. These functions are key to beef production. The researchers pinpointed genomic regions that had changed owing to selection, referring to these as genomic signatures of selection. A pioneering research project has identified genes potentially associated with functions such as growth and weight gain in the Nelore breed. These functions are key to [...]ver notícia -
Genetic Study Investigates Ways to Increase Meat Productivity, Tenderness
Publicado em 02 outubro 2017BRAZIL - Brazil has the world's largest commercial beef herd, numbering over 225 million heads of cattle, yet only 20 per cent of Brazil's production is intended for export. Because of this, beef ranks tenth on the list of products exported by Brazil, after soybeans, iron ore, oil, sugarcane, automobiles, chicken, cellulose, soybean meal and coffee. Experts suggest that exports could be much larger if Brazilian beef were of a quality similar to that produced in Australia, Argentina or [...]ver notícia -
Nutrition Key to Increasing Productivity in Intensive Breeding
Publicado em 01 outubro 2017BRAZIL - Improving the productivity of Brazilian livestock means not only finding ways to make the cattle produce more meat or more milk, but also addressing issues such as diseases. One of those, ruminal acidosis, plays a major role in livestock breeding since it mainly strikes animals kept in intensive farming systems, featuring a high mortality rate, even in treated cases. The affected animal experiences an intense production of lactic acid and a decrease in the pH of the rumen, the first [...]ver notícia