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The Brazilian venture is receiving an investment of over R$30 million from the United Kingdom (24 notícias)

Publicado em 18 de dezembro de 2023

The Amazon+10 initiative received a contribution of over R$30 million from the United Kingdom. A partnership established with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the British Council in the United Kingdom will result in financial contributions to the programme.

These resources will be made available through the International Science Partnership Fund (ISPF), linked to the UK Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), which aims to promote research and innovation initiatives. the world

The partnership was announced on December 13 during the inaugural function of the National Forum of the National Council of State Foundations for Research Support (CONFAP).

The Amazon + 10 initiative, led by CONFAP in collaboration with the National Council of Secretaries of State for Science, Technology and Innovation Affairs (Consecti) and the National Council for Science and Technology Development (CNPq), brings together researchers supported by foundations. 25 Brazilian States for Research (FAPs). Research projects focus on the area of ​​the Legal Amazon, and the program has already allocated almost R$100 million to support scientific efforts.

Scientific expeditions

UKRI funding worth £4 million (approximately R$24 million) will be directed specifically towards so-called scientific studies, an initiative launched by the Amazon+10 initiative in partnership with CNPq. To further promote research in the Amazon region, this funding opportunity is open for applications until April 29, 2024.

“The UK is very excited to be part of the Amazon +10 initiative. “There is a very strong history of cooperation between Brazil and the United Kingdom,” Rosa Camane, director of the Science and Innovation Network for Latin America at the British Embassy, ​​said in an interview. FAPESP Agency.

According to him, the Amazon+10 initiative is aligned with British policies towards Brazil. “This £4 million is a new opportunity for British researchers to work with their counterparts in their own country, research in less well-known areas of the Amazon, and work in equity with traditional communities and tribes. It is fantastic to be a part of this important next step in the collaboration between the UK and Brazil.

Other investment

The British Council will support the Call for Scientific Research with a contribution of £1 million (about R$6.2 million) focusing on research projects lasting up to two years between Brazil and the United Kingdom. Amazon Brazilian.

“It’s a unique opportunity for us to be part of the Amazon + 10 initiative,” said Barbara Cagliari, head of government and external relations at the British Council. “We have been in Brazil since 1945 and work on continuous educational and cultural projects. Certain themes, such as sustainability, have become cross-cutting in our work.”

CNPq and 19 FAPs involved in the announcement of scientific studies received R$59.2 million to fund research aimed at expanding scientific knowledge of socio-biodiversity in little-known areas of the world’s largest tropical forest. With two contributions from the United Kingdom, so-called scientific studies now have a total funding of approximately R$88.2 million.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

The British Council will also invest in other activities alongside the Amazon+10 initiative, including an Early Career Scholarship scheme for legal Amazon researchers in the UK. There is £360,000 to fund six scholarships, about R$2.1 million. “Through this project, we are thinking about training young researchers in the region and encouraging the production of local content, which we understand is very relevant. We want to continue to strengthen these relationships,” commented Barbara Cagliari.

Another initiative is already underway, called the Amazonia BR/UK Workshops Grants, which aims to fund scientific workshops to undertake new research, projects and collaborations between Brazilian and British researchers on Amazon-related topics.

Each project can reach up to £53,200, making the call a total of £370,000 in funding – R$330,000 and R$2.3 million respectively. The deadline for submission of proposals on the British Council website is January 7, 2024. These investments are aimed at strengthening scientific cooperation between the United Kingdom and Brazil, promoting research and finding innovative and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing the Amazon.