Scientists have discovered rocks mixed with molten plastic on the volcanic island of Trindade in Brazil. They speak of a worrying discovery, because the amount of plastic waste on the island is increasing.
According to the scientists, plastic pollution is mainly caused by fishing nets, which are present in large numbers on the beaches of Trindade.
“The fishing nets get carried away by the ocean currents and pile up on the beach,” geologist Fernanda Avelar Santos tells CNN. “When the temperature rises, this plastic melts and mixes with the rocks and other materials found on the beach. “
Santos and other scientists are conducting chemical tests to find out what kind of plastic is in the rocks.
The remains of a fishing net are still clearly visible on the rock. Photo: Reuters/Adolfo Buhrer
Plastic was found in a protected nature reserve
The discovery is concerning because the plastic waste was found in a protected natural area, Santos explains. “We found the rocks with plastic near a place where green turtles lay their eggs.”
Trindade is one of the world’s most important protected natural areas, home to green turtles. Every year thousands of the animals lay their eggs there.
The island is not inhabited by civilians. Only Brazilian Navy personnel live there. They have to protect the turtles.