Scientific American (EUA) online
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Desde 1995: 5 notícias
How Pregnancy Changes the Brain, and How Lizards Make DIY Scuba Gear
Publicado em 23 setembro 2024
Happy Monday, listeners! Let's kick off the week by catching up on the latest science news. For Scientific American 's Science Quickly , I'm Rachel Feltman.
First up we've got an update on Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams. These two NASA astronauts set out to spend just over a week in space in June, but now they won't actually be home until around February. Earlier this month—not long after the ill-fated Starliner spacecraft returned to Earth without them [...]
10,000 Pre-Columbian Structures Could Be Hidden beneath Amazon Rain Forest
Publicado em 05 outubro 2023In the millennia before European colonizers invaded the Amazon rain forest, throngs of Indigenous people moved mountains of dirt to create some 10,000 yet-to-be-identified earthworks across the region. That’s according to new research published on Thursday in Science that identifies two dozen sites where massive amounts of dirt formed circular and rectangular geoglyphs, settlements and religious sites. Based on what the researchers knew about such structures, they estimated the huge [...]ver notícia -
'Impossible' New Ring System Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System
Publicado em 11 fevereiro 2023Astronomers are puzzled by a ring around the icy dwarf planet Quaoar that is much farther from its parent body than thought possiblever notícia -
‘Impossible’ New Ring System Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System
Publicado em 11 fevereiro 2023Astronomers have discovered an entirely new ring system within the solar system, and it's located at such a great distance from its dwarf planet parent that it should be impossible. The ring surrounds Quaoar, which is around half the size of Pluto and located beyond Neptune. It is only the third ring to be found around a minor planet and the seventh ring system in the solar system, with the most famous and well-studied rings surrounding the giant planets Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and [...]ver notícia -
اكتشاف نوعين جديدين من أسماك الأمازون المهددة بالانقراض
Publicado em 16 maio 2022اكتشف فريق من الباحثين في المتحف الوطني للتاريخ الطبيعي، الذي تديره مؤسسة سميثسونيان للأبحاث في واشنطن، نوعين جديدين من أسماك نهر الأمازون خلال رحلة استكشافية إلى منطقة الأمازون البرازيلية في عامي 2015 و2016. ووفق وصف الباحثين، يتميز أحد نوعي الأسماك المكتشَفة بوجود زعانف [...]ver notícia