Geologists from the Federal University of Paraná discovered some rocks made of plastic waste on the island of Trindade de Brasi l, known for its volcanic activities.
According to a Reuters office, melted plastic has become entwined with rocks on the island, located 1.140 km from the southeastern state of Espirito Santo.
For researchers, this type of discovery is evidence of the growing influence of humans on the geological cycles of the earth.
“This is new and terrifying at the same time, because the contamination has reached geology,” said Fernanda Avelar Santos, a geologist at the Federal University of Paraná.
Santos and his team were in charge of carrying out the chemical tests and finding out what type of plastic these rocks were made of, which were called “plastigloglomerates”.
Specifically, the rocks are made of a mixture of sedimentary granules and other debris held together by plastic.
"We identified that (the contamination) comes mainly from fishing nets, which are very common debris on the beaches of Trinidade Island," Santos said.
“The (nets) are dragged by sea currents and accumulate on the beach. When the temperature rises, this plastic melts and becomes encrusted with the natural material on the beach,” he added.
The discovery, the geologist points out, raises questions about the legacy of humans on earth.
“We talk a lot about the Anthropocene, and this is it,” Santos said, referring to a proposed geological epoch defined by the impact of humans on the planet's geology and ecosystems.