Revista Cultivar (inglês)
Em 2025: 2 notícias
Desde 1995: 9 notícias
Partnership promotes digital technology against agricultural pests
Publicado em 15 janeiro 2025
Embrapa initiative will test solution to support integrated management of sugarcane borer
A partnership between technology company Elsys, Embrapa Digital Agriculture and the São Paulo State Department of Agriculture and Supply will test connectivity solutions and the use of smart traps for integrated pest management on small and medium-sized rural properties. The technical cooperation agreement, established at the end of December, is expected to benefit rural producers in Alto Alegre, [...]
Use of drones accelerates genetic improvement of corn
Publicado em 07 janeiro 2025The methodology allows for faster, more cost-effective and comprehensive data collection Brazilian researchers are applying an innovative methodology that accelerates the selection of genetically modified corn plants to resist drought and reduces operational costs involved in the task. The technique uses drones equipped with RGB cameras to capture images of field experiments, converting them into indexes that assess the health of the plants. With this information, it is possible to more [...]ver notícia -
Research seeks sustainable control of citrus canker
Publicado em 16 dezembro 2024UFSCar study uses organic molecules derived from sugars as active ingredients for agricultural pesticides The Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), in conjunction with other institutions, is developing a project aimed at finding new inputs to combat citrus canker. The disease, which affects citrus crops - such as lemons and oranges - has been combated for decades by spraying copper, a toxic metal that is harmful to the environment. The research began around 2009, coordinated [...]ver notícia -
Fundecitrus and partners create applied research center
Publicado em 12 dezembro 2024Total investment will be R$200 million over the next five years Fundecitrus (Citrus Defense Fund), the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) and the Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Esalq/USP) are joining forces to combat the main diseases in citrus farming, such as CVC (yellowing disease), sudden citrus death and especially greening, with an incidence of 44% in São Paulo orchards in 2024. To reinforce these actions, the three institutions created the [...]ver notícia -
Native vegetation could yield R$4 billion for São Paulo's agriculture sector
Publicado em 11 dezembro 2024An unprecedented study has revealed that restoring native vegetation around agricultural crops can generate an annual increase of R$4,2 billion in agricultural production in the state of São Paulo for some crops. The work developed in co-production between researchers and public managers from the Secretariat of Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics of the State of São Paulo (Semil) shows that farmers can make billions in profits from ecological restoration through the planting [...]ver notícia -
São Paulo announces R$340 million package for São Paulo's agricultural sector
Publicado em 10 dezembro 2024Announcements include irrigation credits, investment fund and citrus growing center The Government of São Paulo, through the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of the State of SP, Secretariat of Economic Development and Desenvolve SP, will announce next Thursday (12/12), at 15:30 pm, at Palácio dos Bandeirantes, a package of actions in favor of São Paulo's agribusiness, which together, amount to R$340 million in investments. Among the actions are the [...]ver notícia -
Lack of researchers paralyzes research at IAC
Publicado em 27 novembro 2024The Agronomic Institute of Campinas (IAC), an international reference in research for food production, has suspended studies in several areas due to a lack of researchers and staff. A survey conducted by the Association of Scientific Researchers of the State of São Paulo (APqC) shows that lines for improving vegetables, triticale, chickpeas, mangoes, cocoa, wheat, oats, barley, castor beans, sunflowers, peanuts and even rice have been halted. The laboratory for analyzing the quality of [...]ver notícia -
Study warns of risk of depletion of the Guarani Aquifer
Publicado em 11 outubro 2024Researchers from Unesp point out that the aquifer recharge is not sufficient to replace the extracted water, threatening the region's water supply A study conducted by researchers from São Paulo State University measured the contribution of rainwater and groundwater to the maintenance of springs and rivers in the Brotas region, in the central part of the state of São Paulo. In the region, urban water supply, agriculture and intensive tourism depend heavily on water [...]ver notícia -
Bacteria that causes sugarcane leaf scald is transmitted by the root spittlebug, says IAC
Publicado em 24 setembro 2024An unprecedented study conducted by the Agronomic Institute (IAC) has shown that the bacteria that causes sugarcane leaf scald, the main bacterial disease of this crop, is transmitted by the root spittlebug. The insect vector carries the bacteria Xanthomonas albilineans and transfers it to healthy plants, transmitting this disease that has no control and, in most cases, is asymptomatic. According to IAC researcher Silvana Creste, with this discovery, the development of varieties resistant to [...]ver notícia