Brazilian researchers have developed an artificial skin model using three-dimensional (3D) printing with characteristics more similar to those of humans. Nominated Human Skin Equivalent to Hypodermis (HSEH), the structure can be used in studies for the treatment of diseases and injuries, such as wounds and burns, as well as in the development of medicines and cosmetics, without the need for testing on animals.
The production process of the material, made from stem cells (capable of transforming into different cell types) and primary cells (cultured directly from human tissues), was described in the magazine Communications Biology by scientists from the National Biosciences Laboratory (LNBio), part of the National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM). The work was presented on Wednesday (27) in a session on biotechnology held during the FAPESP Week Spain in Madrid.
The event, which ended on Thursday (28) at the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), in the Moncloa-Aravaca region, aims to strengthen links between researchers from the State of São Paulo and the European country to promote research partnerships.
“We were able to develop a complete skin model, with three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. In this way, it was possible to obtain a model of the organ with characteristics very similar to those of the human being”, Ana Carolina Migliorini Figueira, researcher at LNBio-CNPEM and coordinator of the project, told Agência FAPESP.
According to Figueira, 3D skin models have been explored as an alternative method to using animals in cosmetic absorption tests, for example. However, the options developed so far are limited by the fact that they neglect the hypodermis – the deepest layer of the skin, which plays a fundamental role in regulating important biological processes, such as hydration and cell differentiation.
This layer, formed by adipose (fat) cells, plays an active role in the skin, influencing processes such as water regulation, cell development and immunity, which makes it essential for creating complete and functional skin models.
The researchers used tissue engineering techniques to improve the technology and construct an equivalent of full-thickness human skin and hypodermis to create an environment closer to real human tissue, allowing for more cellular adhesion, proliferation and differentiation. efficient.
“This new 3D skin model with the hypodermis layer provides a platform in vitro more accurate for disease modeling and toxicological studies”, said Figueira.
“The results of the tests we carried out show that the hypodermis is indispensable for modulating the expression of a wide range of genes vital to skin functionality, such as those related to tissue protection and regeneration,” he said.
diabetic skin
The researchers employed 3D bioprinting to construct a skin model based on collagen, which serves as a matrix for cell interaction.
LNBio will produce the skin for its own studies, but may produce the material for partner research institutions. The idea is to assist in the development of grafts to treat wounds and burns.
Through a project financed by FAPESP within the scope of an agreement with the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Brazilian researchers intend to develop, from this more realistic 3D skin, a model of diabetic skin with chronic wounds and, consequently, a dressing for this purpose.
The idea is that LNBio researchers will be able to vascularize the human skin model in vitro in three layers to create a version that mimics the skin characteristics of people with diabetes, who may have wounds that are difficult to heal, with the risk of limb amputation.
On the other hand, a group of Dutch researchers, linked to Radboud University Medical Center, is working on the development of new biomaterials with the aim of creating a dressing to treat diabetic wounds.
“Our objective is, after producing the new dressing, to test it both on an animal model and on the human diabetic skin model that we will develop”, explained Figueira.
Biosensors for monitoring
A group of researchers from the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) intends to use synthetic biology tools to build biosensors based on genetic circuits, such as DNA, RNA and proteins, to monitor contamination of environmental samples, such as water, by metals.
Combining biological and engineering knowledge, researchers intend to insert new functions into natural organisms, through the development of new genetic sequences.
“There are natural RNA and protein molecules that can interact, for example, with mercury and manganese. The idea is to design these genetic circuits, mainly bacteria, to monitor the contamination of water samples by these metals, in real time and in a less expensive way, without the need to use robust and expensive equipment”, Milca told Agência FAPESP Rachel da Costa Ribeiro Lins, professor at UFABC and project coordinator.
The area of biotechnology is considered strategic for Spain and has received large investments from UCM in recent years, highlighted Spanish researchers participating in the event.
“The United States continues to be the global leader in the biotechnology market. However, countries in Europe, Asia, Central America and the Middle East are showing very high growth. And Spain has several strong points. One of them is that there are around 4,500 companies carrying out activities in this area”, said Maria Isabel de la Riesco, professor at UCM.
Biotechnology companies employ more researchers in Spain than other industrial sectors and salaries in this area are higher than the national average, the researcher highlighted.
“Spain has a 2.46% share in the global publication of articles related to biotechnology and their citation is 21% higher than the global average. Approximately 60% of scientific production in biotechnology in the country is carried out in international collaboration”, stated Riesco.
This content was originally published in Researchers develop 3D artificial skin more similar to humans on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil