Public Technologies (EUA)
Em 2025: 2 notícias
Desde 1995: 10 notícias
Aerobic exercise: a powerful ally in the fight against Alzheimer’s
Publicado em 16 janeiro 2025
Published in the journal Brain Research, the study highlights how physical activity not only protects healthy brain cells but also restores balance in the aging brain.
The research focused on the hippocampus, the brain region responsible for memory and learning, and measured the impact of aerobic exercise on key Alzheimer's markers: amyloid plaques, tau tangles, and iron accumulation in myelin-producing cells known as oligodendrocytes. These markers are central to Alzheimer's [...]
Uso de drones acelera melhoramento genético de plantas de milho em busca de tolerancia à seca
Publicado em 06 janeiro 2025A metodologia permite a coleta de dados mais rápida, econômica e abrangente aumentando as chances de identificar as plantas mais promissoras Pesquisadores brasileiros estão aplicando uma metodologia inovadora que acelera a seleção de plantas de milho geneticamente modificadas para resistir à seca e reduz custos operacionais envolvidos na tarefa. A técnica utiliza drones equipados com câmeras RGB para capturar imagens dos experimentos de [...]ver notícia -
Understanding of early life ecosystems highlighted in MSU researcher’s new publication
Publicado em 16 agosto 2024STARKVILLE, Miss.-With a new understanding of past life on the planet through fossils, a Mississippi State biological sciences faculty member is helping researchers better predict Earth's future. In a new paper published this month in the esteemed peer-reviewed journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Donald L. Hall Professor of Biology Matthew Brown unearths a specific area of under-studied fossils: microbial eukaryotes-more specifically, testate amoebae from 750 million [...]ver notícia -
Climate change raised the odds of unprecedented wildfires in 2023-24
Publicado em 01 agosto 2024Unprecedented wildfires in Canada and parts of Amazonia last year were at least three times more likely due to climate change and contributed to high levels of CO2 emissions from burning globally. The State of Wildfires report, the first edition of a new systematic annual review, takes stock of extreme wildfires of the 2023-2024 fire season, explains their causes and assesses whether events could have been predicted. It also evaluates how the risk of similar events will change in future [...]ver notícia -
Virtual Reality May Enhance Learning Efficiency Over Real-World Environments, Says Drexel Study
Publicado em 13 maio 2024In the first study to consider brain activity during visuospatial problem-solving across immersive virtual reality (VR), 2-D computer screens and physical environments, researchers from Drexel’s School of Biomedical Engineering uncovered a surprising revelation – VR-based learning exhibited optimal neural efficiency, a measure that gauges the brain activity required to complete a unit task. This finding, published in the journal Sensors, reveals using virtual reality may foster more [...]ver notícia -
UL researchers partner on study revealing effectiveness of multimedia intervention in treating depression in older adults
Publicado emAn international study involving researchers at University of Limerick has shown that multimedia intervention delivered via WhatsApp can be effective for treating depression in older people. The pioneering international research trial, the results of which have just been published in the Nature Medicine Journal, developed and trialled a low-cost mobile messaging psychosocial intervention in socioeconomically deprived areas of Brazil. The PRODIGITAL-D controlled trial, a collaboration [...]ver notícia -
SP estuda nova metodologia para crescimento de árvores nativas e restauração florestal
Publicado em 13 janeiro 2024O tema da restauração florestal tem ganhado destaque nos últimos anos tanto na iniciativa privada e no mercado financeiro como na academia e entre governos, principalmente no caso do Brasil, que assumiu o compromisso, desde o Acordo de Paris, em 2015, de recuperar com floresta nativa 12 milhões de hectares, ou seja, praticamente o equivalente ao território da Coreia do Norte. No entanto, as iniciativas ainda dependem do caro processo de plantio de [...]ver notícia -
Ocean Pavilion Returns To UN Climate Conference And Calls On Ocean Science To Lead Climate Solutions
Publicado em 06 novembro 2023The Ocean Pavilion returns to the UN Climate Conference for a second year to underscore the integral role of our ocean in climate and serve as the central hub for conference delegates to exchange ideas on addressing the climate crisis by leveraging ocean science and solutions. Throughout the conference, which runs from Nov 30 – Dec 12, the pavilion will feature more than 80 events, meetings, and in-depth discussions, and visitors to the pavilion will also be able to learn more about [...]ver notícia -
This week with NSF Director Panchanathan
Publicado em 04 agosto 2023This week, NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan welcomed U.S. Ambassador to Brazil Elizabeth Frawley Bagley to NSF headquarters. Discussions centered around scaling up bilateral collaboration between the U.S. and Brazil, a critical partner to NSF. Building strong partnerships across nations is vital to creating even more opportunities for tackling grand global challenges. NSF has a long-standing partnership with the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) particularly in supporting [...]ver notícia -
NSF Partnering With Brazilian Counterpart Agency To Increase Research Collaboration
Publicado em 06 abril 2023The U.S. National Science Foundation and the São Paulo Research Foundation, or FAPESP (in Portuguese, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo), signed a memorandum of understanding this week to encourage and support interaction in areas of mutual interest and facilitate collaboration between U.S. and Brazilian researchers. "NSF and FAPESP share a mutual commitment to the advancement of science and technology," said NSF Director [...]ver notícia