Physics Club English
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 14 notícias
Researchers identify two compounds capable of inhibiting growth of brain tumor cells
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Glioblastoma is a malignant tumor of the central nervous system (brain or spinal cord) and one of the deadliest types of cancer. Few drugs have proved effective at combating this uncontrolled growth of glial cells, which anyway constitute a large proportion of the brain tissue in mammals.
The standard treatment is surgical removal of the tumor, followed by chemotherapy with temozolomide, radiation therapy, and then nitrosoureas (such as lomustine). Patient survival has improved moderately [...]
Researchers identify gene mutation capable of regulating pain
Publicado emPain afflicts at least 1.5 billion people worldwide, and despite the availability of various painkilling drugs, not all forms of pain are treatable. Moreover, pain medications can have side-effects such as dependence and tolerance, especially in the case of morphine and other opioids. In search of novel painkillers, researchers at Butantan Institute’s Special Pain and Signaling Laboratory (LEDS) in São Paulo, Brazil, studied TRPV1, a sensory neuron receptor that captures noxious [...]ver notícia -
Number of fires in the Brazilian Amazon in August-September 2022 was highest since 2010
Publicado em 14 fevereiro 2023The number of active fires recorded in the Brazilian Amazon in August-September 2022 was the highest since 2010, according to an article published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution. Besides the record number of fires (74,398), the researchers found they were due not to extreme drought, as in 2010, but to recent deforestation by humans. “The idea of publishing our findings came up when we analyzed data provided free of charge by the Queimadas program,” said Guilherme [...]ver notícia -
Snakes are distributed in the Chaco in accordance with adaptations to environment, study shows
Publicado em 13 fevereiro 2023Despite similarities with other Neotropical biomes like the Caatinga (a mosaic of scrub with patches of seasonally dry forest in Northeast Brazil) and Cerrado (savanna in Central Brazil), the Gran Chaco, or simply Chaco, is globally unique. Located mainly in Bolivia and Argentina, with patches in Brazil and Paraguay, the region is the world’s largest continuous dry tropical forest. Snakes must adapt in various ways to survive there. Sheltering from the sun and climbing trees are [...]ver notícia