An article published in the journal Current Biology describes experiments that mapped a brain circuit responsible for instantly detecting threats and forming memories of fear.
"We were interested in locating a brain region associated with fear signaling and finding out how it could identify environments previously related to physical or predatory threats, such as a place where the individual underwent an aversive physical stimulus," said Newton Sabino Canteras, [...]
An article published in the journal Current Biology describes experiments that mapped a brain circuit responsible for instantly detecting threats and forming memories of fear.
"We were interested in locating a brain region associated with fear signaling and finding out how it could identify environments previously related to physical or predatory threats, such as a place where the individual underwent an aversive physical stimulus," said Newton Sabino Canteras, full professor in [...]
Summary: A new study has mapped a brain circuit responsible for detecting threats and forming fear memories. The hippocampus, known for spatial navigation, also plays a role in recognizing dangers, with the subiculum transferring threat information to the hypothalamus.
When the dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMd) is inactivated, animals no longer avoid dangerous environments, showing the PMd’s crucial role in fear detection and memory reconsolidation. These findings highlight specific [...]
An article published in the journal Current Biology describes experiments that mapped a brain circuit responsible for instantly detecting threats and forming memories of fear.
"We were interested in locating a brain region associated with fear signaling and finding out how it could identify environments previously related to physical or predatory threats, such as a place where the individual underwent an aversive physical stimulus," said Newton Sabino Canteras, full professor in [...]
An article published in the journal Current Biology describes experiments that mapped a brain circuit responsible for instantly detecting threats and forming memories of fear.
"We were interested in locating a brain region associated with fear signaling and finding out how it could identify environments previously related to physical or predatory threats, such as a place where the individual underwent an aversive physical stimulus," said Newton Sabino Canteras, full professor in [...]
An article published in the journal Current Biology describes experiments that mapped a brain circuit responsible for instantly detecting threats and forming memories of fear.
“We were interested in locating a brain region associated with fear signaling and finding out how it could identify environments previously related to physical or predatory threats, such as a place where the individual underwent an aversive physical stimulus,” said Newton Sabino Canteras, full professor in [...]
An article published in the journal Current Biology describes experiments that mapped a brain circuit responsible for instantly detecting threats and forming memories of fear.
“We were interested in locating a brain region associated with fear signaling and finding out how it could identify environments previously related to physical or predatory threats, such as a place where the individual underwent an aversive physical stimulus,” said Newton Sabino Canteras, full professor in [...]
- Publicado em 05 agosto 2024
Ricardo Muniz | Agência FAPESP – Artigo publicado na revista Current Biology descreve experimentos que possibilitaram mapear com precisão locais no cérebro responsáveis pela identificação imediata de ameaças e pela formação de memória de medo.
“Estávamos interessados em ver uma região do cérebro relacionada à sinalização de medo, como ela poderia identificar ambientes [...]
Artigo publicado na revista Current Biology descreve experimentos que possibilitaram mapear com precisão locais no cérebro responsáveis pela identificação imediata de ameaças e pela formação de memória de medo.
“Estávamos interessados em ver uma região do cérebro relacionada à sinalização de medo, como ela poderia identificar ambientes relacionados previamente a uma ameaça [...]
Artigo publicado na revista Current Biology descreve experimentos que possibilitaram mapear com precisão locais no cérebro responsáveis pela identificação imediata de ameaças e pela formação de memória de medo.
“Estávamos interessados em ver uma região do cérebro relacionada à sinalização de medo, como ela poderia identificar ambientes relacionados previamente a uma ameaça [...]