Nef在激活环中在 Tyr 551 处诱导 Btk 自磷酸化。每个激酶反应均在单独使用 Btk 或在 HIV-1 Nef 野生型 (WT)、PxxP 到 AxxA 突变体 (2PA)、SIV Nef 或野生型 Nef 加 1 µM ibrutinib 作为阴性对照的情况下进行。如图所示,对在 0、30、60 和 120 分钟收集的等分试样进行免疫印迹。(A)激活环中 Tyr 551的 Btk 磷酸化(pTyr 551;左)和使用针对与 Btk C 末端融合的 His 标签的抗体的 Btk [...]
A descoberta de um potencial “calcanhar de aquiles” da proteína Nef, crucial na virulência do HIV e em sua capacidade de desencadear a aids, abre caminhos para a busca de uma nova classe de medicamentos contra o vírus. Pesquisadores conseguiram demonstrar uma estrutura que liga essa proteína a outra, chamada AP-2, e cuja função é regular a entrada na célula.
Com isso, está ficando cada vez mais clara a forma como Nef [...]
Está volviéndose cada vez más clara la manera a través de la cual la proteína Nef logra “burlar” los mecanismos de defensa de las células humanas para permitir que el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) avance.
El descubrimiento de un potencial “talón de Aquiles” de la proteína Nef, crucial en la virulencia del VIH y en su capacidad de desencadenar el SIDA, abre caminos en la búsqueda de un nuevo tipo de [...]
The discovery of a potential "Achilles heel" in Nef, the protein that is crucial to HIV virulence and its capacity to trigger AIDS, paves the way for the development of a new class of drugs against the virus.
Researchers have succeeded in demonstrating a structure that binds this protein to another called AP-2 and regulates endocytosis, the process by which cells take in substances such as nutrients or pathogens by engulfing them in a vesicle.
As a result, it is increasingly clear [...]
The discovery of a potential “Achilles heel” in Nef, the protein that is crucial to HIV virulence and its capacity to trigger AIDS, paves the way for the development of a new class of drugs against the virus. Researchers have succeeded in demonstrating a structure that binds this protein to another called AP-2 and regulates endocytosis, the process by which cells take in substances such as nutrients or pathogens by engulfing them in a vesicle.
As a result, it is increasingly clear [...]
The discovery of a potential “Achilles heel” in Nef, the protein that is crucial to HIV virulence and its capacity to trigger AIDS, paves the way for the development of a new class of drugs against the virus. Researchers have succeeded in demonstrating a structure that binds this protein to another called AP-2 and regulates endocytosis, the process by which cells take in substances such as nutrients or pathogens by engulfing them in a vesicle.
As a result, it is increasingly clear [...]
The discovery of a potential “Achilles heel” in Nef, the protein that is crucial to HIV virulence and its capacity to trigger AIDS, paves the way for the development of a new class of drugs against the virus. Researchers have succeeded in demonstrating a structure that binds this protein to another called AP-2 and regulates endocytosis, the process by which cells take in substances such as nutrients or pathogens by engulfing them in a vesicle.
As a result, it is increasingly clear [...]
The discovery of a potential "Achilles heel" in Nef, the protein that is crucial to HIV virulence and its capacity to trigger AIDS, paves the way for the development of a new class of drugs against the virus. Researchers have succeeded in demonstrating a structure that binds this protein to another called AP-2 and regulates endocytosis, the process by which cells take in substances such as nutrients or pathogens by engulfing them in a vesicle.
As a result, it is increasingly clear [...]
The discovery of a potential “Achilles heel” in Nef, the protein that is crucial to HIV virulence and its capacity to trigger AIDS, paves the way for the development of a new class of drugs against the virus. Researchers have succeeded in demonstrating a structure that binds this protein to another called AP-2 and regulates endocytosis, the process by which cells take in substances such as nutrients or pathogens by engulfing them in a vesicle.
As a result, it is increasingly clear [...]
The discovery of a potential “Achilles heel” in Nef, the protein that is crucial to HIV virulence and its capacity to trigger AIDS, paves the way for the development of a new class of drugs against the virus. Researchers have succeeded in demonstrating a structure that binds this protein to another called AP-2 and regulates endocytosis, the process by which cells take in substances such as nutrients or pathogens by engulfing them in a vesicle.
As a result, it is increasingly clear [...]