Entenda como a descoberta de uma bactéria no nordeste do Brasil pode representar uma ameaça para especialistas e à população
De antemão, a revista The Lancet Microbe publicou um estudo revelando a descoberta de uma cepa multirresistente da bactéria Klebsiella pneumoniae no Nordeste do Brasil. Essa bactéria, que apresenta alta resistência a antibióticos, foi então identificada em uma paciente de 86 anos que faleceu [...]
Es una cepa de Klebsiella pneumoniae y su existencia había sido previamente registrada en Estados Unidos. Este microorganismo suele provocar infecciones en los ambientes hospitalarios, ninguno de los antibióticos existentes logra eliminarlo.
Klebsiella pneumoniae. / Jorge Sastre-Domínguez (CNB-CSIC).
Una cepa de la bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae aislada en una mujer de 86 años con infección urinaria, que ingresó a un hospital de una ciudad de la [...]
Es una cepa de Klebsiella p neumonia e y su existencia había sido previamente registrada en Estados Unidos. Este microorganismo suele provocar infecciones en los ambientes hospital arios, ninguno de los antibióticos existentes logra eliminarlo y es particularmente peligroso para las personas con baja inmunidad. En imagen, antibiograma de Klebsiella p neumonia e resistente a todos los antibióticos. El microorganismo es cultivado en una placa y cada disco representa un [...]
A strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae, previously identified in the United States, is a common cause of hospital infections and is resistant to all available antibiotics.
In 2022, a strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from an 86-year-old woman with a urinary infection in Brazil's Northeast region was found to be resistant to all available antibiotics. The patient passed away 24 hours after being admitted to the hospital (1 ✔ ✔Trusted Source
Global epidemiological trend of [...]
A strain of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from an 86-year-old woman with a urinary infection admitted to hospital in Brazil’s Northeast region in 2022 proved resistant to all available antibiotics. The patient died 24 hours after being hospitalized.
A group of researchers supported by FAPESP sequenced the bacterium’s genome and compared it with a database of 48 similar sequences. Alarmingly, the results showed that the strain in question had previously been [...]
A WOMAN who was admitted to hospital with a UTI died after contracting a dangerous new strain of superbug.
A strain of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae - a type of bacteria that can cause serious infections, including pneumonia, bloodstream infections, and wound infection - was found in an 86-year-old woman who was admitted to hospital in Brazil.
The woman, who was admitted to hospital with a urinary tract infection (UTI), was taken to a hospital in Brazil's Northeast region in [...]
What is Klebsiella pneumonia? A WOMAN who was admitted to hospital with a UTI died after contracting a dangerous new strain of superbug.
But the new strain, a "hypervirulent" version, is considered even more dangerous, making even healthy people seriously ill.The bacterium found in the woman was found to be so versatile it adapted to changes in treatment, "easily acquiring resistance mechanisms not targeted by existing drugs either single or in combination", said Nilton [...]
A strain of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from an 86-year-old woman with a urinary infection admitted to hospital in Brazil's Northeast region in 2022 proved resistant to all available antibiotics. The patient died 24 hours after being hospitalized.
A group of researchers sequenced the bacterium's genome and compared it with a database of 48 similar sequences. Alarmingly, the results showed that the strain in question had previously been detected in the United States, [...]
A strain of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from an 86-year-old woman with a urinary infection admitted to hospital in Brazil's Northeast region in 2022 proved resistant to all available antibiotics. The patient died 24 hours after being hospitalized.
A group of researchers supported by FAPESP sequenced the bacterium's genome and compared it with a database of 48 similar sequences. Alarmingly, the results showed that the strain in question had previously been detected in [...]
Astrain of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from an 86-year-old woman with a urinary infection admitted to hospital in Brazil's Northeast region in 2022 proved resistant to all available antibiotics. The patient died 24 hours after being hospitalized.
A group of researchers sequenced the bacterium's genome and compared it with a database of 48 similar sequences. Alarmingly, the results showed that the strain in question had previously been detected in the United States, [...]