- Publicado em 06 novembro 2023
José Tadeu Arantes | Agência FAPESP – Em estudo publicado na revista Flora, pesquisadores da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) detalharam algumas das diferentes estratégias que as plantas do Cerrado desenvolveram ao longo da evolução para se proteger do fogo e rebrotar rapidamente após episódios de incêndio.
O artigo tem como primeiro autor o doutorando Marco Antonio Chiminazzo e foi reconhecido como Highlighted Student [...]
In an article published in the journal Flora, researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil examine some of the strategies developed over eons of evolution by plants in the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna-like biome, to protect themselves and resprout quickly after fire.
The article is commended by the journal as Highlighted Student Research. Its first author is Marco Antonio Chiminazzo, a Ph.D. candidate at UNESP in Rio Claro. The co-authors are [...]
Plant species native to the Brazilian savanna-like biome grow thick bark to protect their internal tissues and hide organs that assure resprouting below the ground, according to an article in Flora by researchers at São Paulo State University
Different below-ground organs analyzed in Cerrado species: (a) xylopodium in Stryphnodendron rotundifolium; (b) xylopodium and possible tuberous root in Annona crassiflora; (c) root crown in Miconia albicans; (d) woody rhizome in Handroanthus [...]
Plant species native to the Brazilian savanna-like biome grow thick bark to protect their internal tissues and hide organs that assure resprouting below the ground, according to an article in Flora by researchers at São Paulo State University
Different below-ground organs analyzed in Cerrado species: (a) xylopodium in Stryphnodendron rotundifolium; (b) xylopodium and possible tuberous root in Annona crassiflora; (c) root crown in Miconia albicans; (d) woody rhizome in Handroanthus [...]
In an article published in the journal Flora, researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil examine some of the strategies developed over eons of evolution by plants in the Cerrado, Brazil's savanna-like biome, to protect themselves and resprout quickly after fire.
The article is commended by the journal as Highlighted Student Research. Its first author, Marco Antonio Chiminazzo, a PhD candidate at UNESP in Rio Claro, received funding from FAPESP for his master's [...]
Plant species native to the Brazilian savanna-like biome grow thick bark to protect their internal tissues and hide organs that assure resprouting below the ground, according to an article in Flora by researchers at São Paulo State University
Different below-ground organs analyzed in Cerrado species: (a) xylopodium in Stryphnodendron rotundifolium; (b) xylopodium and possible tuberous root in Annona crassiflora; (c) root crown in Miconia albicans; (d) woody rhizome in Handroanthus [...]
Cómo luchan contra el fuego las plantas del Cerrado de Brasil.El artículo, cuyo autor principal del artículo es el doctorando Marco Antonio Chiminazzo, obtuvo el reconocimiento como Highlighted Student Research (investigación estudiantil destacada) de la revista. Chiminazzo es alumno de posgrado de la Unesp en la localidad de Rio Claro, y contó con el apoyo de la FAPESP durante su maestría (19/21300-6) y su doctorado (21/09269-9).
Participaron en la [...]
Newswise — In an article published in the journal Flora researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil examine some of the strategies developed over eons of evolution by plants in the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna-like biome, to protect themselves and resprout quickly after fire.
The article is commended by the journal as Highlighted Student Research. Its first author, Marco Antonio Chiminazzo a PhD candidate at UNESP in Rio Claro, received funding from FAPESP for [...]
In an article published in the journal Flora, researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil examine some of the strategies developed over eons of evolution by plants in the Cerrado, Brazil's savanna-like biome, to protect themselves and resprout quickly after fire.
The article is commended by the journal as Highlighted Student Research. Its first author is Marco Antonio Chiminazzo, a Ph.D. candidate at UNESP in Rio Claro. The co-authors are Alessandra [...]
In an article published in the journal Flora, researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil examine some of the strategies developed over eons of evolution by plants in the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna-like biome, to protect themselves and resprout quickly after fire.
The article is commended by the journal as Highlighted Student Research. Its first author is Marco Antonio Chiminazzo, a Ph.D. candidate at UNESP in Rio Claro. The co-authors are [...]