Informações sobre conjunto de proteínas em uma amostra biológica tem ampla aplicação, sejam estudos de câncer, doenças mentais, neurodegenerativas ou cardiovasculares
Mapa de interação entre proteínas de diferentes estudos - Crédito: : Daniel Martins-de-Souza
Dificuldade comum em pesquisas que envolvem análises proteômicas é manejar e interpretar o imenso volume de [...]
Informações sobre conjunto de proteínas em uma amostra biológica tem ampla aplicação, sejam estudos de câncer, doenças mentais, neurodegenerativas ou cardiovasculares
Mapa de interação entre proteínas de diferentes estudos - Crédito: : Daniel Martins-de-Souza
Dificuldade comum em pesquisas que envolvem análises proteômicas é manejar e interpretar o imenso volume de [...]
Informações sobre conjunto de proteínas em uma amostra biológica tem ampla aplicação, sejam estudos de câncer, doenças mentais, neurodegenerativas ou cardiovasculares
Mapa de interação entre proteínas de diferentes estudos - Crédito: : Daniel Martins-de-Souza
Dificuldade comum em pesquisas que envolvem análises proteômicas é manejar e interpretar o imenso volume de [...]
Experimentos realizados en Brasil por científicos vinculados a la Universidad de Campinas (Unicamp) y a la Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP) indican que la grasa visceral –aquella que rodea a los órganos vitales y que está considerada como un factor de riesgo para el surgimiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes e hipertensión– contribuye en mayor medida para el agravamiento del COVID-19 que la grasa existente debajo de la piel, que da forma a los [...]
Two types of adipocytes (fat cells) were infected in the laboratory: one derived from human stem cells isolated from subcutaneous tissue, and the other differentiated from stem cells taken from visceral adipose tissue.
Experiments show that visceral fat – the fat around the liver, intestines and other organs that is considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure – contributes more to severe[{” attribute=””>COVID-19 than [...]
Two types of adipocytes (fat cells) were infected in the laboratory: one obtained from human stem cells isolated from subcutaneous tissue and the other differentiated from stem cells taken from visceral fatty tissue.
Experiments show that visceral fat – fat around the liver, intestines, and other organs, considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure – contributes more to severe COVID-19 than subcutaneous fat (under the skin, as in [...]
TOPICS:Agência FAPESPCOVID-19ImmunologyInfectious DiseasesObesity
Two types of adipocytes (fat cells) were infected in the laboratory: one obtained from human stem cells isolated from subcutaneous tissue and the other differentiated from stem cells taken from visceral fatty tissue.
Experiments show that visceral fat – fat around the liver, intestines, and other organs, considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure – contributes [...]
Two kinds of fats cells had been contaminated within the laboratory: one derived from human stem cells remoted from subcutaneous tissue and the opposite differentiated from stem cells taken from visceral adipose tissue.
Experiments present that visceral fats — the fats across the liver, intestines, and different organs, which is a danger issue for heart problems, diabetes, and hypertension — contributes extra to heart problems, diabetes, and hypertension.[{” [...]
Two types of adipocytes (fat cells) were infected in the laboratory: one obtained from human stem cells isolated from subcutaneous tissue and the other differentiated from stem cells taken from visceral fatty tissue.
Experiments show that visceral fat – fat around the liver, intestines, and other organs, considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure – contributes more to severe COVID-19 than subcutaneous fat (under the skin, as in [...]
Two types of adipocytes (fat cells) were infected in the laboratory: one obtained from human stem cells isolated from subcutaneous tissue and the other differentiated from stem cells taken from visceral fatty tissue.
Experiments show that visceral fat – fat around the liver, intestines, and other organs, considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure – contributes more to severe COVID-19 than subcutaneous fat (under the skin, as in [...]