A study published in Food Research International has found that nanoencapsulating anthocyanins can enhance their absorption in the gut, while also preventing their degradation in the digestive system.
Researchers at the São Paulo Research Foundation also found that the plant-based nutraceuticals could reach organs and tissues better than their unencapsulated counterparts, meaning they are more likely to exhibit a positive effect on a user.
Anthocyanins are a type of polyphenol [...]
An article published in the journal Food Research International describes a study in which nanoencapsulated anthocyanins passed through the digestive system without being degraded, were absorbed efficiently, and reached more organs and tissues than unencapsulated anthocyanins, increasing the benefits to the organism.
Anthocyanins are pigments found in most species in the plant kingdom and are responsible for the red, purple and blue colors of many flowers, fruits (such as blackberries, [...]
An article published in the journal Food Research International describes a scientific study in which nanoencapsulated anthocyanins passed through the digestive system without being degraded, were absorbed efficiently, and reached more organs and tissues than unencapsulated anthocyanins, increasing the benefits to the organism. The study was supported by FAPESP via three projects (13/07914-8, 22/12834-2 and 23/01396-7).
Anthocyanins are pigments found in most species in the plant kingdom and [...]
Estos pigmentos vegetales con acción antioxidante y anti cancer ígena se degradan fácilmente en el intestino y en condiciones ambientales adversas. Para evitar este problema, investigadores de la Universidad de São Paulo, en Brasil, insertaron dichos compuestos en nanopartículas recubiertas con pectina, lo que incrementó su biodisponibilidad. En la foto, nanopartículas con antocianinas
En el marco de una investigación publicada en el [...]
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility:
by Thais Szegö, FAPESP
An article published in the journal Food Research International describes a study in which nanoencapsulated anthocyanins passed through the digestive system without being degraded, were absorbed efficiently, and reached more organs and tissues than unencapsulated anthocyanins, [...]
An article published in the journal Food Research International describes a scientific study in which nanoencapsulated anthocyanins passed through the digestive system without being degraded, were absorbed efficiently, and reached more organs and tissues than unencapsulated anthocyanins, increasing the benefits to the organism. The study was supported by FAPESP via three projects ( 13/07914-8 , 22/12834-2 and 23/01396-7 ).
Anthocyanins are pigments [...]
- Publicado em 17 outubro 2024
A cor dá a impressão de promessa: a de que a taça de frutas vermelhas oferece uma porção de saúde. Afinal, o que tinge amoras, morangos, framboesas, cerejas, mirtilos e companhia são moléculas de antocianinas. Badaladíssimas pela ciência. Valeria até mesmo comer uma ameixa, uma goiaba, uma fatia de melancia. Quem sabe, em vez dessas pedidas de sobremesa, uma salada de repolho roxo.
Na horta e no pomar, a paleta das [...]
Cientistas vêm estudando maneiras de otimizar a absorção desses compostos no trato digestivo, aumentando sua biodisponibilidade.
Agência FAPESP
Karina Ninni | Agência FAPESP – Os compostos bioativos, presentes principalmente em frutas e hortaliças, exercem diferentes ações biológicas no organismo associadas à promoção da saúde e ao aumento do bem-estar. A eles são atribuídos efeitos [...]
Os compostos bioativos, presentes principalmente em frutas e hortaliças, exercem diferentes ações biológicas no organismo associadas à promoção da saúde e ao aumento do bem-estar. A eles são atribuídos efeitos antioxidante, antidiabético, antienvelhecimento e anticancerígeno, entre outros.
Cientistas vêm estudando maneiras de otimizar a absorção desses compostos no trato digestivo, [...]
- Publicado em 18 junho 2023
Texto: Karina Ninni | Agência FAPESP
Os compostos bioativos, presentes principalmente em frutas e hortaliças, exercem diferentes ações biológicas no organismo associadas à promoção da saúde e ao aumento do bem-estar. A eles são atribuídos efeitos antioxidante, antidiabético, antienvelhecimento e anticancerígeno, entre outros.
Cientistas vêm estudando maneiras de otimizar a [...]