''Des chercheurs développent une source lumineuse qui produit deux faisceaux lumineux enchevêtrés
par José Tadeu Arantes, FAPESP
Les scientifiques étudient de plus en plus l'intrication quantique, qui se produit lorsque deux ou plusieurs systèmes sont créés ou interagissent de telle manière que les états quantiques de certains ne peuvent être décrits indépendamment des [...]
Scientists are increasingly seeking to discover more about quantum entanglement, which occurs when two or more systems are created or interact in such a manner that the quantum states of some cannot be described independently of the quantum states of the others. The systems are correlated, even when they are separated by a large distance. Interest in studying this kind of phenomenon is due to the significant potential for applications in encryption, communications and quantum computing. The [...]
One potential application: Enhancing the sensitivity of atomic magnetometers used to measure the alpha waves emitted by the human brain.
Scientists are increasingly seeking to discover more about quantum entanglement, which occurs when two or more systems are created or interact in such a manner that the quantum states of some cannot be described independently of the quantum states of the others. The systems are correlated, even when they are separated by a large distance. Interest in [...]
One potential application: Enhancing the sensitivity of atomic magnetometers used to measure the alpha waves emitted by the human brain.
Scientists are increasingly seeking to discover more about quantum entanglement, which occurs when two or more systems are created or interact in such a manner that the quantum states of some cannot be described independently of the quantum states of the others. The systems are correlated, even when they are separated by a large distance. Interest in [...]
By São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
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Sao Paulo, Brazil (SPX) Jan 04, 2023 - Scientists are increasingly seeking to discover more about quantum entanglement, which occurs when two or more systems are created or interact in such a manner that the quantum states of some cannot be described independently of the quantum states of the others. The systems are correlated, even when they are separated by a large distance. Interest in studying this kind of phenomenon is due
Scientists are increasingly seeking to discover more about [...]
Eine potenzielle Anwendung: Verbesserung der Empfindlichkeit von Atommagnetometern, die zur Messung von Alphawellen verwendet werden, die vom menschlichen Gehirn emittiert werden.
Wissenschaftler versuchen zunehmend, mehr über die Quantenverschränkung zu erfahren, die auftritt, wenn zwei oder mehr Systeme so geschaffen werden oder interagieren, dass die Quantenzustände einiger nicht unabhängig von den Quantenzuständen anderer beschrieben werden können. Die [...]
One potential application: Enhancing the sensitivity of atomic magnetometers used to measure the alpha waves emitted by the human brain.
Scientists are increasingly seeking to discover more about quantum entanglement, which occurs when two or more systems are created or interact in such a manner that the quantum states of some cannot be described independently of the quantum states of the others. The systems are correlated, even when they are separated by a large distance. Interest in [...]
One potential application: increasing the sensitivity of atomic magnetometers used to measure alpha waves emitted by the human brain.
Scientists are increasingly seeking to learn more about quantum entanglement, which occurs when two or more systems are created or interact in such a way that the quantum states of one cannot be described independently of the quantum states of the others. Systems are correlated even when they are separated by great distances. Interest in the study of such [...]
One potential application: Enhancing the sensitivity of atomic magnetometers used to measure the alpha waves emitted by the human brain.
Scientists are increasingly seeking to discover more about quantum entanglement, which occurs when two or more systems are created or interact in such a manner that the quantum states of some cannot be described independently of the quantum states of the others. The systems are correlated, even when they are separated by a large distance. Interest in [...]