Un grupo de investigadores de las ciudades de Campinas (Brasil) y de Barcelona (España) identificó un conjunto de genes cuya actividad se encuentra alterada en el intestino de los pacientes con la enfermedad de Crohn, un síndrome que afecta al sistema digestivo y cuyo principal síntoma es el dolor abdominal asociado a diarrea, fiebre, pérdida del apetito y pérdida de peso.
Según los investigadores, este descubrimiento puede derivar en una mejor [...]
Aunque el tratamiento de células in vitro con esas moléculas no ha mostrado relevancia en la infección local del tejido, sí disminuyó la expresión de un gen importante para el ingreso viral a las células y de un receptor de citoquinas.
Un estudio realizado en la Universidad de Campinas (Unicamp), en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil, muestra que los compuestos elaborados por la microbiota intestinal con base en la rotura de fibras [...]
- Publicado em 06 maio 2021
Besides being undernourished, infants birthed to females whose diet regimen did not have enough healthy protein while pregnant have a tendency to have kidney issues arising from changes that took place while their body organs were developing throughout the beginning phase of their advancement.
In a research study released in PLOS ONE, scientists associated with the College of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, uncovered the source of the issue at the molecular degree [...]
- Publicado em 09 abril 2021
O consumo de fibras pode diminuir o impacto da covid-19 no organismo. É o que afirma um estudo realizado pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) e publicado na revista científica Gut Microbes.
Na análise, os pesquisadores colheram amostras de tecido do cólon de 11 pacientes saudáveis. Ou seja, nenhum deles havia contraído a covid-19 nem possuía alterações no intestino. Além disso, coletaram células [...]
Up to 50% of COVID-19 patients experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Such symptoms are detected in 17.6% of severe cases. They are partly associated with viral entry into intestinal cells resulting in alterations to their normal functions. In addition, recent studies point to major changes in patients’ gut microbiota, including a decrease in levels of bacteria that secrete short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) by fermenting dietary fiber. SCFAs are [...]
Un estudio realizado en la Universidad de Campinas (Unicamp), en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil, muestra que los compuestos elaborados por la microbiota intestinal con base en la rotura de fibras alimentarias no interfieren en la entrada o en la replicación del virus SARS-CoV-2 en el intestino.
Aunque el tratamiento de células in vitro con esas moléculas no ha mostrado relevancia en la infección local del tejido, sí disminuyó la expresión [...]
A study conducted at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, shows that compounds produced by gut microbiota (bacteria and other microorganisms) during fermentation of insoluble fiber from dietary plant matter do not affect the ability of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 to enter and replicate in cells lining the intestines. However, while in vitro treatment of cells with these molecules did not significantly influence local tissue infection, it reduced [...]
A study conducted at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, shows that compounds produced by gut microbiota (bacteria and other microorganisms) during fermentation of insoluble fiber from dietary plant matter do not affect the ability of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 to enter and replicate in cells lining the intestines. However, while in vitro treatment of cells with these molecules did not significantly influence local tissue infection, it reduced [...]
- Publicado em 03 abril 2021
Effects of Diet in COVID-19?
Diets high in fiber could play a role in COVID-19 infections as it increases the production of short-chain fatty acids in the intestines, which are essential for immune defense. On the other hand, the intestinal flora changes with a SARS-CoV-2 infection, which also leads to a lower release of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine. A current study has now examined the connections between short-chain fatty acids and COVID-19.
The researchers from the University [...]
Auswirkungen der Ernährung bei COVID-19?
Eine Ernährung, die reich an Ballaststoffen ist, könnte eine Rolle bei Infektionen mit COVID-19 spielen, da sie die Produktion von kurzkettigen Fettsäuren im Darm ankurbelt, welche eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Immunabwehr spielen. Anderseits verändert sich bei einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion die Darmflora, was auch zu einer geringeren Freisetzung von kurzkettigen Fettsäuren im Darm führt. Eine aktuelle Studie hat nun die [...]