Two new research studies are addressing the rising threat of fungal infections, which can be very difficult to treat. One study has examined the cell walls of fungi to look for weaknesses, while another, unrelated paper identified a fungal gene that promotes virulence, and could be an excellent drug target.
Reporting in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, scientists used techniques called wide- and small-angle neutron scattering diffraction and spectroscopy to look at lipids, or fats [...]
一组巴西研究人员发现了对抗真菌感染的新治疗策略的潜在目标——更具体地说,是由烟曲霉引起的真菌感染。一篇报道这一发现的文章发表在《Communications [...]
A group of Brazilian researchers has found a potential target for novel therapeutic strategies to combat fungal infections – more specifically, those caused by Aspergillus fumigatus. An article reporting the discovery is published in the journal Communications Biology.
This species and other Aspergillus fungi are responsible for complications such as invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), a potentially fatal infection that can only occur in patients with weakened immune systems, [...]
A group of Brazilian researchers has found a potential target for novel therapeutic strategies to combat fungal infections – more specifically, those caused by Aspergillus fumigatus. An article reporting the discovery is published in the journal Communications Biology.
This species and other Aspergillus fungi are responsible for complications such as invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), a potentially fatal infection that can only occur in patients with weakened immune systems, [...]
A group of Brazilian researchers has found a potential target for novel therapeutic strategies to combat fungal infections - more specifically, those caused by Aspergillus fumigatus. An article reporting the discovery is published in the journal Communications Biology.
This species and other Aspergillus fungi are responsible for complications such as invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), a potentially fatal infection that can only occur in patients with weakened immune systems, such as [...]
A group of Brazilian researchers has found a potential target for novel therapeutic strategies to combat fungal infections—more specifically, those caused by Aspergillus fumigatus. An article reporting the discovery is published in the journal Communications Biology.
This species and other Aspergillus fungi are responsible for complications such as invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), a potentially fatal infection that can only occur in patients with weakened immune [...]
- Publicado em 06 agosto 2024
Encontrado gene importante para a virulência de fungo causador de infecções pulmonares graves
André Julião | Agência FAPESP
Um grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros encontrou um potencial alvo para novos tratamentos contra infecções fúngicas, mais especificamente, as provocadas pela espécie Aspergillus fumigatus . O estudo foi na revista Communications Biology
Fungos dessa e de outras espécies do gênero [...]
- Publicado em 06 agosto 2024
Encontrado gene importante para a virulência de fungo causador de infecções pulmonares graves
André Julião | Agência FAPESP
Um grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros encontrou um potencial alvo para novos tratamentos contra infecções fúngicas, mais especificamente, as provocadas pela espécie Aspergillus fumigatus . O estudo foi na revista Communications Biology
Fungos dessa e de outras espécies do gênero [...]
Um grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros encontrou um potencial alvo para novos tratamentos contra infecções fúngicas, mais especificamente, as provocadas pela espécie Aspergillus fumigatus . O estudo foi publicado na revista Communications Biology
Fungos dessa e de outras espécies do gênero são responsáveis por complicações como a aspergilose pulmonar invasiva (API), que vitima sobretudo pacientes com sistema imune [...]
Um grupo de pesquisadores brasileiros identificou um potencial alvo para novos tratamentos contra infecções fúngicas, especialmente as provocadas pela espécie Aspergillus fumigatus. Esses fungos são responsáveis por complicações graves, como a aspergilose pulmonar invasiva, que apresenta altas taxas de mortalidade. O estudo, publicado na revista Communications Biology, destaca a importância de encontrar novas estratégias [...]