TV Globo
- Publicado em 24 setembro 2024
Matheus Henrique Dias, biomédico e doutor em biologia molecular, descobriu que, em vez de tentar parar as células cancerígenas é possível estimulá-las até que se sobrecarreguem e morram. Tratamento deve ser testado em pacientes na Holanda a partir do ano que vem.
August 21, 2024 | Cancer cells are “not like superheroes that have no vulnerabilities,” says Matheus Henrique Dias, Ph.D., senior scientist at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NCI) who has spent the last few years homing in on their most exploitable weakness—excessive oncogenic signaling. Most current therapies try to block the signaling to prevent cancer’s uncontrolled division, but inevitably tumor cells resist the blockage and become far less responsive to [...]
Científicos brasileños innovan al sobreestimular y estresar células tumorales para que su alternativa de supervivencia consista en actuar como células sanas. Estos resultados motivan la programación de ensayos en pacientes, que se realizarán este mismo año en Países Bajos.
Una combinación de dos fármacos logró eliminar tumores de una manera no convencional. En lugar de inhibir la división de las [...]
A combination of two drugs can attack tumors in a non-conventional manner, according to researchers from the Netherlands Cancer Institute.
Instead of inhibiting tumor cell division, this approach involves using one drug to hyperactivate oncogenic signaling to the point where cells become stressed. The second drug then attacks the stressed cells. The team suggests this may be a better approach for hard-to-treat cancers such as microsatellite stable colon cancer
“I nduced [...]
A novel treatment strategy involving a combination of two drugs has shown promising results in suppressing tumours by an unconventional method.
The new approach, detailed in the journal Cancer Discovery, includes LB-100, currently in clinical trials for lung tumours, and WEE1 inhibitors, which prevent tumour DNA repair. The drug combo works by hyperactivating cancer cells to induce stress, making them more susceptible to targeted attack.
The study reveals that the treatment's [...]
A novel treatment strategy involving a combination of two drugs has shown promising results in suppressing tumours by an unconventional method.
The new approach, detailed in the journal Cancer Discovery, includes LB-100, currently in clinical trials for lung tumours, and WEE1 inhibitors, which prevent tumour DNA repair. The drug combo works by hyperactivating cancer cells to induce stress, making them more susceptible to targeted attack.
The study reveals that the treatment's [...]
A novel treatment strategy involving a combination of two drugs has shown promising results in suppressing tumours by an unconventional method.
The new approach, detailed in the journal Cancer Discovery, includes LB-100, currently in clinical trials for lung tumours, and WEE1 inhibitors, which prevent tumour DNA repair. The drug combo works by hyperactivating cancer cells to induce stress, making them more susceptible to targeted attack.
The study reveals that the treatment's [...]
A novel treatment strategy involving a combination of two drugs has shown promising results in suppressing tumours by an unconventional method.
The new approach, detailed in the journal Cancer Discovery, includes LB-100, currently in clinical trials for lung tumours, and WEE1 inhibitors, which prevent tumour DNA repair. The drug combo works by hyperactivating cancer cells to induce stress, making them more susceptible to targeted attack.
The study reveals that the treatment's [...]
A novel treatment strategy involving a combination of two drugs has shown promising results in suppressing tumours by an unconventional method.
The new approach, detailed in the journal Cancer Discovery, includes LB-100, currently in clinical trials for lung tumours, and WEE1 inhibitors, which prevent tumour DNA repair. The drug combo works by hyperactivating cancer cells to induce stress, making them more susceptible to targeted attack.
The study reveals that the treatment's [...]
New Delhi, July 28 (IANS) A novel treatment strategy involving a combination of two drugs has shown promising results in suppressing tumours by an unconventional method. The new approach, detailed in the journal Cancer Discovery, includes LB-100, currently in clinical trials for lung tumours, and WEE1 inhibitors, which prevent tumour DNA repair. The drug combo works by hyperactivating cancer cells to induce stress, making them more susceptible to targeted attack. The study reveals that the [...]