- Publicado em 19 outubro 2024
Texto: André Julião | Agência FAPESP A exposição de ratas grávidas a um canabinoide sintético – capaz de ativar os mesmos receptores cerebrais que a maconha – mostrou que os efeitos da droga nos filhotes se estendem à vida adulta, como problemas cardiovasculares nas fêmeas e maior suscetibilidade a ataques de pânico nos machos. O resultado do estudo, publicado no American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cellular [...]
- Publicado em 19 outubro 2024
A exposição de ratas grávidas a um canabinoide sintético – capaz de ativar os mesmos receptores cerebrais que a maconha – mostrou que os efeitos da droga nos filhotes se estendem à vida adulta, como problemas cardiovasculares nas fêmeas e maior suscetibilidade a ataques de pânico nos machos. O resultado do estudo, publicado no American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, reacende o alerta [...]
Scientists who exposed pregnant rats to a synthetic cannabinoid that activates the same receptors in the brain as marijuana detected effects of the drug on their offspring, such as cardiovascular problems in females and augmented susceptibility to panic attacks in males, and showed that these adverse effects persisted into adulthood.
An article on the study is published in the American Journal of Physiology—Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. The findings serve as a [...]
Scientists who exposed pregnant rats to a synthetic cannabinoid that activates the same receptors in the brain as marijuana detected effects of the drug on their offspring, such as cardiovascular problems in females and augmented susceptibility to panic attacks in males, and showed that these adverse effects persisted into adulthood. An article on the study is published in the American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. The findings serve as a [...]
Scientists who exposed pregnant rats to a synthetic cannabinoid that activates the same receptors in the brain as marijuana detected effects of the drug on their offspring, such as cardiovascular problems in females and augmented susceptibility to panic attacks in males, and showed that these adverse effects persisted into adulthood. An article on the study is published in the American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. The findings serve as a [...]
Scientists who exposed pregnant rats to a synthetic cannabinoid that activates the same receptors in the brain as marijuana detected effects of the drug on their offspring, such as cardiovascular problems in females and augmented susceptibility to panic attacks in males, and showed that these adverse effects persisted into adulthood. An article on the study is published in the American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. The findings serve as a [...]
Les scientifiques qui ont exposé des rats gravides à un cannabinoïde synthétique qui active les mêmes récepteurs dans le cerveau que la marijuana ont détecté des effets de la drogue sur leur progéniture, tels que des problèmes cardiovasculaires chez les femelles et une susceptibilité accrue aux attaques de panique chez les mâles, et ont montré que ces effets indésirables persistaient. à [...]
Scientists who exposed pregnant rats to a synthetic cannabinoid that activates the same receptors in the brain as marijuana detected effects of the drug on their offspring, such as cardiovascular problems in females and augmented susceptibility to panic attacks in males, and showed that these adverse effects persisted into adulthood.
An article on the study is published in the American Journal of Physiology—Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. The findings serve as a precautionary [...]
- Publicado em 30 setembro 2024
A exposição de ratas grávidas a um canabinoide sintético – capaz de ativar os mesmos receptores cerebrais que a maconha – mostrou que os efeitos da droga nos filhotes se estendem à vida adulta, como problemas cardiovasculares nas fêmeas e maior suscetibilidade a ataques de pânico nos machos. O resultado do estudo, publicado no American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, reacende o alerta sobre o uso [...]
- Publicado em 25 setembro 2024
A exposição de ratas grávidas a um canabinoide sintético – capaz de ativar os mesmos receptores cerebrais que a maconha – mostrou que os efeitos da droga nos filhotes se estendem à vida adulta, como problemas cardiovasculares nas fêmeas e maior suscetibilidade a ataques de pânico nos machos. O resultado do estudo, publicado no American Journal of Physiology – Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, reacende o alerta [...]