- Publicado em 18 dezembro 2023
Um estudo realizado na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FM-USP) mostrou que avaliar a composição corporal de pessoas com mais de 65 anos, especialmente a massa muscular nos braços e pernas, pode ser uma estratégia eficaz para estimar a longevidade. Os pesquisadores acompanharam um grupo de 839 idosos ao longo de aproximadamente quatro anos e observaram que o risco de mortalidade geral durante esse período foi quase 63 vezes maior [...]
至少目前还没有治疗COVID-19的研究“灵丹妙药” 。血液中维生素D的剂量理想水平和每日补充剂量因年龄和整体健康状况而异。我们决定研究在急性病毒感染的维生情况下,它是改善在FAPESP的支持下由圣保罗大学医学院的研究人员进行的 ,通过血液检查定期定量 ,中度至重据 Pereira说,研究则进行补充 [...]
Quels sont les traitements contre la Covid-19 disponibles en France ?
Traitements par anticorps monoclonaux : qui est concerné ? comment ça marche ?
Antiviral Paxlovid® : désormais disponible en pharmacie
Xav-19 : le traitement du laboratoire français Xenothera, refusé par l'ANSM
Antiviral molnupiravir (Lagevrio®) : pas d'accès précoce autorisé en France
Des corticostéroïdes pour [...]
A clinical trial was conducted with 240 patients who were given 200,000 IU of vitamin D3 on admission to hospital. The supplementation did not reduce length of stay or affect the proportion requiring intensive care.
Can a high dose of vitamin D administered on admission to the hospital improve the condition of patients with moderate or severe COVID-19? The answer is no, according to a Brazilian study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
The article reports a [...]
Since the start of the pandemic, there have been multiple studies examining how vitamins can impact your chances of contracting COVID-19 and amping up on them may influence severity of infection and even death. However, a new study warns that one in particular may not be as effective as previously believed. Read on to find out what it is—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You Caught COVID and Maybe Didn't Know [...]
Since the start of the pandemic, there have been multiple studies examining how vitamins can impact your chances of contracting COVID-19 and amping up on them may influence severity of infection and even death. However, a new study warns that one in particular may not be as effective as previously believed. Read on to find out what it is—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You Caught COVID and Maybe Didn't Know [...]
Since the start of the pandemic, there have been multiple studies examining how vitamins can impact your chances of contracting COVID-19 and amping up on them may influence severity of infection and even death. However, a new study warns that one in particular may not be as effective as previously believed. Read on to find out what it is—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You Caught COVID and Maybe Didn't Know [...]
原标题:研究称大剂量维生素D未能改善中度至重度COVID-19患者的病情 [...]
Turns out there isn't any significant basis to suggest that vitamin D may be helpful in fighting Covid-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, according to the results of a study published in JAMA.
The study investigated whether a single high dose of vitamin D3 could reduce the length of time that severely ill Covid patients spent in hospital, but found that it had no key effect in combating the disease.
" In vitro studies or trials with animals had previously shown that in [...]
În urma unui studiu s-a descoperit că dozele crescute de vitamina D nu au niciun efect asupra infectării cu COVID-19.
Cercetătorii s-au întrebat dacă într-adevăr vitamina D ajută evitarea infectării cu virusul SARS-CoV-2 și diminuarea efectelor noului coronavirus. În urma unui studiu clinic s-a dorit testarea vitaminei D în combaterea bolii. Studiul arată că doze mari de vitamina D nu au niciun efect asupra COVID-19, în special în cazul [...]