Nanowerk News ) A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a defect in the crystal structure of diamond, where a nitrogen atom replaces a carbon atom in the diamond lattice and a neighboring site in the lattice is vacant. This and other fluorescent defects in diamond, known as color centers, have attracted researchers’ attention owing to their quantum properties, such as single-photon emission at room temperature and with long coherence time. Their many applications include quantum information [...]
Researchers at the University of São Paulo's São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC-USP) have made a breakthrough in embedding nanodiamonds with color centers into custom-designed structures. The method, described in the journal Nanomaterials, opens up exciting possibilities for integrating quantum emitters into photonic devices for various applications.
The scientists focused on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, which are defects in the crystal structure of diamonds. This [...]
Insider Brief
Nanodiamonds with color centers have been embedded in custom-designed structures to integrate these quantum emitters into photonic devices.
University of São Paulo’s São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC-USP) researchers have established a method for this.
Applications include quantum information encoding and processing, and cell marking in biological studies.
PRESS RELEASE — A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a defect in the crystal [...]
A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a flaw in the diamond crystal structure that occurs when an adjacent lattice site becomes unoccupied and a nitrogen atom takes the place of a carbon atom. Researchers are interested in color centers, which are fluorescent imperfections in diamonds that emit single photons at ambient temperature and with a long coherence time due to their quantum characteristics.
Among its numerous uses are cell marking in biological studies and quantum information encoding [...]
Krótki opis poufnych informacji
Nanodiamenty z centrami kolorów wbudowano w specjalnie zaprojektowane struktury w celu zintegrowania emiterów kwantowych z urządzeniami fotonicznymi.
Naukowcy z Instytutu Fizyki w São Carlos (IFSC-USP) na Uniwersytecie w São Paulo opracowali na to metodę.
Zastosowania obejmują kodowanie i przetwarzanie informacji kwantowej oraz znakowanie komórek w badaniach biologicznych.
Komunikat prasowy – [...]
A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a defect in the crystal structure of diamond, where a nitrogen atom replaces a carbon atom in the diamond lattice and a neighboring site in the lattice is vacant. This and other fluorescent defects in diamond, known as color centers, have attracted researchers’ attention owing to their quantum properties, such as single-photon emission at room temperature and with long coherence time. Their many applications include quantum information encoding and [...]
Insider Brief
Nanodiamonds with color centers have been embedded in custom-designed structures to integrate these quantum emitters into photonic devices.
University of São Paulo’s São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC-USP) researchers have established a method for this.
Applications include quantum information encoding and processing, and cell marking in biological studies.
PRESS RELEASE — A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a defect in the crystal [...]
A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a defect in the crystal structure of diamond, where a nitrogen atom replaces a carbon atom in the diamond lattice and a neighboring site in the lattice is vacant. This and other fluorescent defects in diamond, known as color centers, have attracted researchers’ attention owing to their quantum properties, such as single-photon emission at room temperature and with long coherence time. Their many applications include quantum information encoding and [...]
A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a flaw in the diamond crystal structure that occurs when an adjacent lattice site becomes unoccupied and a nitrogen atom takes the place of a carbon atom. Researchers are interested in color centers, which are fluorescent imperfections in diamonds that emit single photons at ambient temperature and with a long coherence time due to their quantum characteristics.
Full text:
Dec 14 2023Reviewed by Megan Craig, M.Sc. A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) [...]
A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center is a defect in the crystal structure of diamond, where a nitrogen atom replaces a carbon atom in the diamond lattice and a neighboring site in the lattice is vacant. This and other fluorescent defects in diamond, known as color centers, have attracted researchers’ attention owing to their quantum properties, such as single-photon emission at room temperature and with long coherence time. Their many applications include quantum information encoding and [...]