运动已被证明可以预防多种疾病,并被科学认为是一种有效的抗衰老干预措施。尽管它能增强老年人的 健康 [...]
The study investigated the effect of a specific cellular mechanism on the improvement of physical fitness through exercise. It also discovered an anti-aging intervention that could slow the aging-related declines in the model organism.
The findings suggest potential approaches to improving muscle function in older adults.
Exercise has been shown to protect against many diseases and is considered a powerful anti-aging intervention by science. Despite its ability to improve the health of [...]
Bewegung schützt nachweislich vor einer Vielzahl von Krankheiten und ist möglicherweise die stärkste Anti-Aging-Maßnahme, die der Wissenschaft bekannt ist.
Während körperliche Aktivität die Gesundheit während des Alterns verbessern kann, nehmen ihre wohltuenden Wirkungen jedoch zwangsläufig ab. Die zellulären Mechanismen, die der Beziehung zwischen Bewegung, Fitness und Alterung zugrunde liegen, sind noch weitgehend unverstanden.
In einem [...]
It is a consensus among specialists that the regular practice of physical exercise is fundamental to guarantee and longevity.
However, little is known about how this habit influences the functioning of muscle cells.
A new conducted at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP) helps to understand, at a cellular level, how contributes to the maintenance of physical fitness even during aging.
According to the work, the answer is in the mitochondria. [...]
É consenso entre os especialistas que a prática regular de exercício físico é fundamental para garantir qualidade de vida e longevidade. No entanto, ainda pouco se sabe sobre como esse hábito influencia o funcionamento das células musculares. Um novo estudo conduzido no Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo (ICB-USP) ajuda a entender, em nível celular, como a atividade física contribui [...]
Resultados divulgados por pesquisadores do ICB-USP podem apontar novos alvos terapêuticos para o tratamento de doenças relacionadas ao envelhecimento, como as neurodegenerativas e as cardiovasculares
A mitocôndria é uma organela vital para o organismo, pois produz, a partir dos alimentos, a maior parte da energia usada pelas células. Embora pareça um contrassenso, há evidências de que um leve comprometimento da função [...]
Proven to protect against a wide array of diseases, exercise may be the most powerful anti-aging intervention known to science. However, while physical activity can improve health during aging, its beneficial effects inevitably decline. The cellular mechanisms underlying the relationship among exercise, fitness and aging remain poorly understood.
In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center investigated the role of one [...]
Summary: Findings reveal a cellular mechanism that helps improve physical fitness through exercise training and identifies an anti-aging intervention that helps delay the declines that occur with natural aging.
Source: Joslin Diabetes Center
Proven to protect against a wide array of diseases, exercise may be the most powerful anti-aging intervention known to science. However, while physical activity can improve health during aging, its beneficial effects inevitably decline. The cellular [...]
Exercise, which has been proven to protect against a variety of diseases, may be the most powerful anti-aging intervention known to science. Yes, but its beneficial effects are inevitably diminished. The cellular mechanisms underlying the relationship between exercise, fitness and aging are still poorly understood.
In a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences researchers at the Joslyn Diabetes Center have investigated the role of one cellular mechanism in improving [...]
Proven to protect against a wide array of diseases, exercise may be the most powerful anti-aging intervention known to science. However, while physical activity can improve health during aging, its beneficial effects inevitably decline. The cellular mechanisms underlying the relationship between exercise, fitness and aging remain poorly understood.
In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center investigated the role of [...]