By means of experiments in mice, researchers have made discoveries about the mechanisms involved in dental pulp inflammation and root apex damage that pave the way for a search for medications that can be used to inhibit the bone loss due to endodontic infection (in dental pulp, the soft tissue inside teeth).
The key element in the mechanisms in question is tumor necrosis factor-α receptor-1, TNFR1, which becomes pro-inflammatory on binding to the cytokine TNF-α.
In one of the [...]
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In einer aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Studie haben Forscher wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Mechanismen gewonnen, die mit Entzündungen des Zahnnervs und Schäden an der Wurzelspitze in Verbindung stehen. Diese Entdeckungen eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten für die Suche nach Medikamenten, die den Knochenverlust aufgrund von endodontischen Infektionen hemmen [...]
Researchers at Brazil’s University of Sao Paulo have discovered mechanisms involved in dental pulp inflammation and root apex damage. Such findings may be key in developing therapeutic approaches to mitigate damage such as bone loss resulting from endodontic infection. 1
In conducting two studies on mice, the researchers focused on a key mechanism element, a tumor necrosis factor-a receptor (TNFR1), which becomes pro-inflammatory when binding to the cytokine TNF-a. They found that in [...]
Tooth decay can result in inflammation in the dental pulp – which is the innermost part of the tooth. Trying to avoid this is crucial, as it usually requires a Root Canal treatment. Now, a research team has looked at how the mechanisms involved in dental inflammation and root damage can be impacted by various situations. This is an important subject area to review.
Recent research has yielded discoveries regarding the mechanisms involved in dental pulp inflammation and root damage [...]
Researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil have discovered connections in the mechanisms involved in dental pulp inflammation and root apex damage. The findings may lead to medications that can prevent bone loss due to endodontic infection.
The team's results were published recently in the Journal of Endodontics. The researchers found that tumor necrosis factor-α receptor-1, TNFR1, is involved in the formation of reparative dentin after dental pulp capping. Pulp [...]
Mediante experimentos con ratones, científicos brasileños develaron los mecanismos implicados en las inflamaciones de la pulpa dentaria y en las lesiones periapicales (alrededor del extremo de la raíz dental), lo cual abre el camino hacia la búsqueda de medicamentos que puedan aplicarse para inhibir la pérdida ósea ocasionada por las infecciones endodónticas. El mecanismo estudiado comprende la acción de una proteína, denominada [...]
Researchers have made discoveries about the mechanisms involved in dental pulp inflammation and root apex damage that pave the way for a search for medications that can be used to inhibit the bone loss due to endodontic infection.
The key element in the mechanisms is tumor necrosis factor-α receptor-1 (TNFR1), which becomes pro-inflammatory on binding to the cytokine TNF-α.
In one of the scenarios analysed, the TNF-α-TNFR1 signaling pathway protected teeth and permitted [...]
Researchers have made discoveries about the mechanisms involved in dental pulp inflammation and root apex damage that pave the way for a search for medications that can be used to inhibit the bone loss due to endodontic infection.
The key element in the mechanisms is tumor necrosis factor-α receptor-1 (TNFR1), which becomes pro-inflammatory on binding to the cytokine TNF-α.
In one of the scenarios analysed, the TNF-α-TNFR1 signaling pathway protected teeth and permitted [...]
By means of experiments in mice, researchers have made discoveries about the mechanisms involved in dental pulp inflammation and root apex damage that pave the way for a search for medications that can be used to inhibit the bone loss due to endodontic infection (in dental pulp, the soft tissue inside teeth).
The key element in the mechanisms in question is tumor necrosis factor-α receptor-1, TNFR1, which becomes pro-inflammatory on binding to the cytokine TNF-α.
In one of the [...]
Via experiments in mice, researchers have made discoveries in regards to the mechanisms concerned in dental pulp irritation and root apex harm that pave the way in which for a seek for drugs that can be utilized to inhibit the bone loss resulting from endodontic an infection (in dental pulp, the tender tissue inside enamel).
The important thing ingredient within the mechanisms in query is tumor necrosis factor-α receptor-1, TNFR1, which turns into pro-inflammatory on binding to the [...]