In einer bahnbrechenden Studie haben Forscher einen potenziell neuen Baustein im komplexen Rätsel der Amyotrophen Lateralsklerose (ALS), einer verheerenden neurologischen Erkrankung, entdeckt. Die im Fachjournal Muscle & Nerve veröffentlichte Studie zeigt erstmals einen Zusammenhang zwischen Mutationen in der mitochondrialen DNA und dem ALS-Risiko auf.
Mitochondrien: Die Kraftwerke der Zelle
Mitochondrien, oft als Kraftwerke der Zelle bezeichnet, besitzen ihre eigene DNA, [...]
Mutations in the mitochondrial genome — the set of DNA instructions found inside mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells — may be linked to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a study found.
The findings open the door for new ways of diagnosing and treating the disease, researchers said.
“We aren’t saying these mutations cause the disease, just that they’re associated and should be part of the diagnostic panel,” Marcelo Briones, PhD, the study’s [...]
Es un mapeo que estuvo a cargo de investigadores de la Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo (Brasil) y colaboradores y se concretó en el genoma de las mitocondrias, los orgánulos que producen la energía de las células. Del referido total, 13 incrementan el riesgo de contraer la enfermedad y 38 son protectoras.
Mediante la aplicación de técnicas de secuenciación, un equipo de científicos logró asociar 51 mutaciones detectadas en el [...]
Utilizzando tecniche di sequenziamento, i ricercatori hanno associato 51 mutazioni nel DNA mitocondriale alla sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (SLA), un disturbo neurologico degenerativo incurabile che porta ad atrofia muscolare e paralisi. Tredici delle mutazioni hanno aumentato il rischio di SLA, mentre 38 erano protettive. Lo studio suggerisce ch e queste mutazioni potrebbero essere importanti per futuri test e ricerche sulla SLA.
Un articolo sullo studio è pubblicato sulla rivista [...]
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder in which neurons in the central nervous system that help control muscle movement start to die. This causes muscles to weaken, and eventually waste away. Movements like walking and talking degenerate first, but in most cases, other functions like breathing are eventually affected and the disorder gets worse. The disease is fatal to most people who are diagnosed within about five years of diagnosis. though some people survive for [...]
Using sequencing techniques, researchers associated 51 mutations in mitochondrial DNA with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable degenerative neurological disorder that leads to muscle atrophy and paralysis. Thirteen of the mutations increased the risk of ALS, while 38 were protective. The study suggests these mutations may be important for future tests and research on ALS.
An article on the study is published in the journal Muscle & Nerve.
It is worth [...]
Using sequencing techniques, researchers associated 51 mutations in mitochondrial DNA with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable degenerative neurological disorder that leads to muscle atrophy and paralysis. Thirteen of the mutations increased the risk of ALS, while 38 were protective. The study suggests these mutations may be important for future tests and research on ALS.
An article on the study is published in the journal Muscle & Nerve.
It is worth recalling that [...]
- Publicado em 01 novembro 2024
באמצעות טכניקות רצף, חוקרים קשרו 51 מוטציות ב-DNA המיטוכונדריאלי עם טרשת צדדית אמיוטרופית (ALS), הפרעה נוירולוגית ניוונית חשוכת מרפא שמובילה לניוון שרירים ושיתוק. 13 מהמוטציות הגדילו את הסיכון ל-ALS, בעוד ש-38 היו מגנות. המחקר מצביע על כך שמוטציות אלו עשויות להיות חשובות עבור בדיקות [...]
Using sequencing techniques, researchers associated 51 mutations in mitochondrial DNA with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable degenerative neurological disorder that leads to muscle atrophy and paralysis. Thirteen of the mutations increased the risk of ALS, while 38 were protective. The study suggests these mutations may be important for future tests and research on ALS.
The study is published in the journal Muscle & Nerve.
It is worth recalling that mitochondria, the [...]
Using sequencing techniques, researchers associated 51 mutations in mitochondrial DNA with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable degenerative neurological disorder that leads to muscle atrophy and paralysis. Thirteen of the mutations increased the risk of ALS, while 38 were protective. The study suggests these mutations may be important for future tests and research on ALS.
The study is published in the journal Muscle & Nerve
It is worth recalling that mitochondria, the [...]