“Ele diz aos linfócitos T [um tipo de glóbulo branco] para parar de reagir à infecção depois de um tempo, para que a reação não seja excessiva.No entanto, em casos de câncer, sepse e COVID-19 grave, o PD-1 faz com que as células T parem de funcionar antes que a doença seja resolvida e, portanto, precisa ser bloqueada”, disse Pedro Moraes-Vieira, um dos líderes do estudo.Moraes-Vieira é [...]
SAO PAULO.- An article published in Science Advances suggests that a type of cancer treatment known as immune checkpoint blockade may be beneficial in certain cases of severe COVID-19. The creators of this therapy, which can successfully activate the immune system to fight cancer, won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
The findings reported by the authors were based on experiments involving cells from patients treated in intensive care units (ICUs) after being infected by [...]
Las conclusiones del artículo se basan en experimentos realizados con células de pacientes que debieron ser internados en Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) tras infectarse con el SARS-CoV-2, y con ratones infectados con otro betacoronavirus, el MHV-A5
Un estudio publicado en la revista Science Advances sugiere que un tipo de tratamiento conocido como inhibidor de checkpoint inmunológico –aplicado contra ciertos tipos de cánceres– puede ser [...]
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An article published in Science Advances suggests that a type of cancer treatment known as immune checkpoint blockade may be beneficial in certain cases of severe [...]
An article published in Science Advances suggests that a type of cancer treatment known as immune checkpoint blockade may be beneficial in certain cases of severe COVID-19. The creators of this therapy, which can successfully activate the immune system to fight cancer, won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
The findings reported by the authors were based on experiments involving cells from patients treated in intensive care units (ICUs) after being infected [...]
Covid-19: Ένα άρθρο που δημοσιεύθηκε στο Science Advances υποδηλώνει ότι ένας τύπος θεραπείας για τον καρκίνο, [...]
Από την άλλη πλευρά, μια κλινική δοκιμή των αναστολέων PD-1 σε ασθενείς με σήψη έδειξε ότι η θεραπεία [...]
Another co-author is Gustavo Gasta Davanzo, a PhD candidate at IB-UNICAMP with a FAPESP scholarship.
“These are very expensive treatments, but we believe that this could be a viable option because there are not as many critically ill patients as there were at the beginning of the pandemic, provided that further studies confirm that it is safe for patients with COVID- 19”, Moraes – said Vieira.
Mouse coronavirus
The hypothesis tested in the study arose when Uruguayan [...]
Pesquisadores brasileiros iniciaram uma investigação sobre o uso da imunoterapia , tratamento para o câncer também chamado de bloqueio de checkpoint
imunológico, para o tratamento de pacientes com quadros graves de Covid-19 e encontraram indícios de que a técnica pode ser benéfica para alguns pacientes. Os achados foram publicados no periódico científico Science Advances
A tecnologia utilizada pelo grupo ativa o sistema [...]
Pesquisadores brasileiros iniciaram uma investigação sobre o uso da imunoterapia , tratamento para o câncer também chamado de bloqueio de checkpoint imunológico, para o tratamento de pacientes com quadros graves de Covid-19 e encontraram indícios de que a técnica pode ser benéfica para alguns pacientes. Os achados foram publicados no periódico científico Science Advances.
A tecnologia utilizada pelo grupo ativa o sistema [...]