O agronegócio é um mercado que tem papel importante no Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do Brasil. Somente no ano passado, movimentou US$ 166,55 bilhões. Exatamente por sua relevância para a economia brasileira, torna-se cada vez mais urgente encontrar formas de reduzir os impactos ambientais.
Segundo o Relatório Mundial das Nações Unidas sobre o Desenvolvimento dos Recursos Hídricos, a agricultura é responsável por 70% do [...]
Implementing more sustainable soil management strategies, such as no-till with crop rotation and use of novel biological inputs based on organic waste or microorganisms, among other solutions, can help increase the efficiency of the mineral fertilizers critical to Brazilian agriculture, and hence reduce the volume of these fertilizers used. This is one of the main findings of studies supported by FAPESP and conducted by researchers affiliated with several universities and research institutions [...]
Implementing more sustainable soil management strategies, such as no-till with crop rotation and use of novel biological inputs based on organic waste or microorganisms, among other solutions, can help increase the efficiency of the mineral fertilizers critical to Brazilian agriculture, and hence reduce the volume of these fertilizers used. This is one of the main findings of studies supported by FAPESP and conducted by researchers affiliated with several universities and research institutions [...]
Descoberta abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de substitutos biológicos para os fertilizantes químicos usados na agricultura, principalmente os que contêm fósforo
Com apoio da FAPESP e da Embrapa, cientistas do Centro de Pesquisa em Genômica Aplicada às Mudanças Climáticas (GCCRC), da Unicamp, identificaram 522 genomas microbianos (entre arqueias e bactérias) associados [...]
- Publicado em 09 fevereiro 2023
Possessão demoníaca, hereditariedade e relacionamentos patológicos foram algumas das causas apontadas, no passado, para a esquizofrenia
by Correio Braziliense
O desconhecimento sobre a doença levou a tentativas fracassadas, e, muitas vezes, torturantes, de tratamento, incluindo fazer furos no crânio (trepanação), induzir os pacientes ao coma, dar choques elétricos sem anestesia nem controle rigoroso da voltagem e confiná-los em [...]
Un estudio publicado en The ISME Journal identificó 522 genomas de arqueas y bacterias asociadas con las raíces y el suelo de dos especies de plantas nativas de la ecorregión de sabana montana brasileña conocida como campos rupestres («prados rocosos»).
por André Julião, FAPESP
Se identificaron cientos de microorganismos hasta ahora desconocidos para la ciencia, lo que demuestra que la ecorregión es un punto crítico de [...]
A new study backed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and published in ISME Journal discovered 522 genomes of archaea and bacteria linked to the roots and soil of two Brazilian plant species found in the montane savanna ecoregion.
Hundreds of microorganisms were identified, proving the ecoregion to be a biodiversity hotspot, as well as the potential of a multitude of unclassified and undescribed new organisms. This discovery [...]
The discovery of hundreds of previously unknown microbes in a Brazilian ecosystem could potentially form a basis for the development of biological substitutes for the chemical fertilizers used by farmers, especially those containing phosphorus.
A study supported by São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and reported in an article published in ISME Journal identified 522 genomes of archaea and bacteria associated with the roots and soil of two plant species native to the Brazilian [...]
A study published in The ISME Journal identified 522 genomes of archaea and bacteria associated with the roots and soil of two plant species native to the Brazilian montane savanna ecoregion known as campos rupestres (“rocky meadows”). Hundreds of microorganisms hitherto unknown to science were identified, showing that the ecoregion is a biodiversity hotspot and that many new organisms have yet to be described and classified in Brazil.
The discovery could potentially [...]
Microbes could be a basis for the development of natural biological substitutes for the chemical fertilisers used by farmers on poor soils
A study supported by FAPESP has identified 522 genomes of archaea and bacteria associated with the roots and soil of two plant species native to the Brazilian montane savanna ecoregion known as campos rupestres (‘rocky meadows’).
Hundreds of micro-organisms hitherto unknown to science were identified, showing that the ecoregion is a natural [...]