O glitter usado em fantasias, adereços e maquiagem no carnaval, produzido a partir de metais, contamina rios e oceanos, prejudicando o crescimento da planta aquática Egeria densa, conhecida como elódea. Estudo produzido por pesquisadores da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) constatou que o revestimento metálico das partículas decorativas reduz a penetração de luz na água e, consequentemente, as taxas de [...]
O glitter usado em fantasias, adereços e maquiagem no carnaval, produzido a partir de metais, contamina rios e oceanos, prejudicando o crescimento da planta aquática Egeria densa, conhecida como elódea. Estudo produzido por pesquisadores da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) constatou que o revestimento metálico das partículas decorativas reduz a penetração de luz na água e, consequentemente, as taxas de [...]
O glitter já se consolidou como matéria-prima de roupas, adereços, peças de decoração, cosméticos e até maquiagem. E, neste mês de Carnaval, sua popularidade atinge o auge. Porém, tanto brilho não vem sem consequências: nos últimos anos, a comunidade científica tem tratado o material como poluente emergente, já que esses microplásticos (partículas com menos de 5 [...]
All that glitters is not gold. Actual glitter, for instance, can be a surprisingly harmful environmental pollutant, as a new study demonstrates.
Despite its association with fun and frivolity, glitter has a dark side. Flecks of glitter reduce the amount of sunlight that penetrates into bodies of water, the new study shows, potentially impairing the ability of some aquatic plants to photosynthesize.
Glitter is essentially a microplastic in disguise, whose whimsical nature distracts from [...]
Glitter, widely used in apparel, cosmetics, and festive decorations, presents an emerging environmental threat. Despite its association with fun, new research reveals its dark side, as glitter particles reduce sunlight in water bodies, potentially harming aquatic plants.
Unfortunately, glitter is not filtered by wastewater treatment, contributing to environmental pollution. The study, titled "Interference of glitter with the photosynthetic rates of a submerged macrophyte, Egeria [...]
Het bewijs dat de geliefde glitters een uitermate duistere kant hebben, stapelt zich verder op. Nieuw onderzoek wijst uit dat rondzwervend glitter ook de groei van waterplanten ernstig belemmert.
Wetenschappers maken zich al langer zorgen over glitters. Hoewel ze uiterst feestelijk overkomen, zijn het in feite gewoon vermomde microplastics die wanneer je ze van je handen wast – net als andere piepkleine microplastics geenszins gehinderd door waterzuiveringsinstallaties – zomaar [...]
Key Findings:
Glitter polluting oceans and rivers is blocking out sunlight underwater.
Photosynthesis rates were significantly higher in cleaner bodies of water.
The problem stems from metals like aluminum in glitter.
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — It might be time to put down the glitter and find a new way to sparkle. Researchers at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) in Brazil found a hazard posed by glitter: its detrimental effect on aquatic life.
Glitter , [...]
All that glitters is not gold. Actual glitter, for instance, can be a surprisingly harmful environmental pollutant, as a new study demonstrates.
Despite its association with fun and frivolity, glitter has a dark side. Flecks of glitter reduce the amount of sunlight that penetrates into bodies of water, the new study shows, potentially impairing the ability of some aquatic plants to photosynthesize.
Glitter is essentially a microplastic in disguise, whose whimsical nature distracts from [...]
All that glitters is not gold. Actual glitter, for instance, can be a surprisingly harmful environmental pollutant, as a new study demonstrates.
Despite its association with fun and frivolity, glitter has a dark side. Flecks of glitter reduce the amount of sunlight that penetrates into bodies of water, the new study shows, potentially impairing the ability of some aquatic plants to photosynthesize.
Glitter is essentially a microplastic in disguise, whose whimsical nature distracts from [...]
Um estudo liderado pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Ufscar), com apoio da Fapesp, mostra que além do plástico, o glitter contém metais, normalmente o alumínio.
De acordo com os resultados do trabalho, detalhados na revista New Zealand Journal of Botany, esses metais podem dificultar a passagem da luz na água, prejudicando a fotossíntese e o crescimento das plantas aquáticas.
Os experimentos feitos em laboratório [...]