Ciência, hábitos e prevenção numa newsletter para a sua saúde e bem-estar
Nesta edição, explico os efeitos conhecidos da cannabis medicinal —ou canabidiol—, suas aplicações e para o que ela pode ser usada no Brasil.
Afinal, o que é canabidiol (CBD)?
Primeiro, é importante distinguir a maconha (uso recreativo) do canabidiol . Explico:
Canabidiol é uma substância obtida a partir da [...]
Nesta edição, explico os efeitos conhecidos da cannabis medicinal —ou canabidiol—, suas aplicações e para o que ela pode ser usada no Brasil.
Afinal, o que é canabidiol (CBD)?
Primeiro, é importante distinguir a maconha (uso recreativo) do canabidiol . Explico:
Maconha é tudo aquilo que foi produzido da planta Cannabis sativa para consumo em sua forma pura (alimentícia), inalação pela queima (como por [...]
Dizem que a ciência e a religião não se misturam. Mas, não é bem assim no Brasil. Na coluna desta semana quero falar sobre dois nomes extremamente importantes para a cannabis, que enfrentaram barreiras e deixaram contribuições fundamentais para a sociedade: o professor Elisaldo Luiz de Araújo Carlini, médico e um dos maiores especialistas em cannabis no Brasil; e o padre Antonio Luiz Marchion, conhecido como padre Ticão, [...]
Una sustancia sintética análoga al canabidiol previene el surgimiento del dolor neuropático, un efecto adverso relativamente común de los fármacos quimioterapéuticos que puede incluso derivar en la interrupción del tratamiento clínico contra el cáncer.
El estudio referente a la misma, realizado en Brasil y publicado en la revista Neurotherapeutics, se concretó con el paclitaxel, un fármaco [...]
A new study has revealed a cannabidiol analogue can possibly prevent neuropathic pain induced by chemotherapy, as well as being beneficial against cancer.
Researchers at the University of São Paulo’s Ribeirão Preto Medical School (FMRP-USP), Brazil found that a substance analogous to cannabidiol (CBD) could enhance chemotherapy by preventing neuropathic pain, but also could be beneficial against cancer. The study, published in Neurotherapeutics , showed that [...]
A synthetic substance analogous to cannabidiol prevents the neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy. Neuropathy is a relatively common adverse effect of chemotherapy drugs and can lead to the interruption of clinical cancer treatment.
A study that reached this conclusion was conducted in Brazil involving paclitaxel, a widely used chemotherapy drug available to patients with various types of cancer via Brazil’s national health system (SUS). An article on the study [...]
A synthetic substance analogous to cannabidiol prevents the neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy. Neuropathy is a relatively common adverse effect of chemotherapy drugs and can lead to the interruption of clinical cancer treatment.
A study that reached this conclusion was conducted in Brazil involving paclitaxel, a widely used chemotherapy drug available to patients with various types of cancer via Brazil’s national health system (SUS). An article on the study is published in the [...]
Una sustancia sintética análoga al canabidiol previene el surgimiento del dolor neuropático, un efecto adverso relativamente común de los fármacos quimioterapéuticos que puede incluso derivar en la interrupción del tratamiento clínico contra el cáncer.
El estudio referente a la misma, realizado en Brasil y publicado en la revista Neurotherapeutics, se concretó con el paclitaxel, un fármaco quimioterapéutico [...]
A synthetic substance analogous to cannabidiol prevents the neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy. Neuropathy is a relatively common adverse effect of chemotherapy drugs and can lead to the interruption of clinical cancer treatment.
A study that reached this conclusion was conducted in Brazil involving paclitaxel, a widely used chemotherapy drug available to patients with various types of cancer via Brazil’s national health system (SUS). An article on the study [...]
A synthetic substance analogous to cannabidiol prevents the neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy. Neuropathy is a relatively common adverse effect of chemotherapy drugs and can lead to the interruption of clinical cancer treatment.
A study that reached this conclusion was conducted in Brazil involving paclitaxel, a widely used chemotherapy drug available to patients with various types of cancer via Brazil’s national health system (SUS). An article on the study is published in the [...]