Un trabajo con resultados de mapeos realizados desde la década de 1990 en el bioma conocido como Cerrado indica una disminución de la biodiversidad a medida que la frontera agrícola se expande en las inmediaciones del Parque Nacional das Emas
En las noches del Cerrado, la sabana brasileña, el segundo bioma del país en tamaño, las larvas del cocuyo de la especie Pyrearinus termitilluminans, que viven en termiteros, exponen sus faroles verdes, a los [...]
El Cerrado brasileño es una inmensa sabana en declive que en su día cubrió dos millones de kilómetros cuadrados, un área inmensa que se extiende al este y al sur del Amazonas.
Dunate las noches del Cerrado, la sabana brasileña, el segundo bioma del país en tamaño, las larvas del cocuyo de la especie Pyrearinus termitilluminans, que viven en termiteros, exponen sus faroles verdes, a los efectos de capturar presas [...]
El trabajo resultante de mapeos realizados desde la década de 1990 en el bioma conocido como ´Cerrado´ indica una disminución de la biodiversidad a medida que la frontera agrícola se expande en las inmediaciones del Parque Nacional das Emas, Brasil.
FAPESP – En las noches del Cerrado, la sabana brasileña, el segundo bioma del país en tamaño, las larvas del cocuyo de la especie Pyrearinus termitilluminans, que viven en [...]
位于圣保罗州索罗卡巴的圣卡洛斯联邦大学可持续发展科技中心(CCTS-UFSCar)教授瓦迪姆-维维亚尼(Vadim Viviani)说,30多年来,他和学生一起前往埃马斯国家公园和戈亚斯州保护区周围的农场采集标本,这种现象从未如此罕见。
"20 世纪 90 [...]
Surveys conducted in the Cerrado since the 1990s show falling biodiversity as the agricultural frontier advances in the vicinity of Emas National Park. Species with biotechnological potential are dwindling and even disappearing.
At night in the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna and second-largest biome, larvae of the click beetle Pyrearinus termitilluminans, which live in termite mounds, display green lanterns to capture prey attracted by the bright light.
In more than 30 years of [...]
自 20 世纪 90 [...]
Surveys conducted in the Cerrado since the 1990s show falling biodiversity as the agricultural frontier advances in the vicinity of Emas National Park. Species with biotechnological potential are dwindling and even disappearing.
At night in the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna and second-largest biome, larvae of the click beetle Pyrearinus termitilluminans, which live in termite mounds, display green lanterns to capture prey attracted by the bright light.
In more than 30 years of [...]
Surveys conducted in the Cerrado since the 1990s show falling biodiversity as the agricultural frontier advances in the vicinity of Emas National Park. Species with biotechnological potential are dwindling and even disappearing.
At night in the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna and second-largest biome, larvae of the click beetle Pyrearinus termitilluminans, which live in termite mounds, display green lanterns to capture prey attracted by the bright light.
In more than 30 years of [...]
In Brazil's Cerrado, Vadim Viviani's research reveals a concerning decline in bioluminescent beetles, primarily due to agricultural practices and artificial lighting. This loss threatens biodiversity and limits opportunities for scientific and technological applications of bioluminescence. (Artist's concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com
Surveys conducted in the Cerrado since the 1990s show falling biodiversity as the agricultural frontier advances in the vicinity of Emas National [...]
Bioluminescent beetle populations in Cerrado, Brazil are deteriorat dezbatere due to agricultural practices and artificial lighting,[citation needed] leaving the bioluminescentescence a'saberspace' for all forms of life.[A] The researchers at SciTechDaily.com provided the first-ever update on the bioluminescent beetle decline from 1970.
Biodiversity in the Cerrado has been decreasing since surveys began in the 1990s, as the agricultural frontier expands near Emas National Park. As a [...]