Pesquisadores afilhados ao centro de pesquisa genômica para mudanças climáticas (GCCRC), organizado pela Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp) descobriram uma proteína envolvida na resistência do milho ao clima seco, altas temperaturas e invasão fúngica. Essa descoberta abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de plantas e produtos mais resistentes à seca que reduzem as perdas de produção em um momento em que as mudanças [...]
Investigadores afiliados al Centro de Investigación Genómica para El Cambio Climático (GCCRC), organizado por la Universidad de Campinas (Unicamp) en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil, han descubierto una proteína involucrada en la resistencia del maíz al clima seco, las altas temperaturas y la invasión de hongos.
Este hallazgo allana el camino para el desarrollo de plantas y productos más resistentes a la sequía que reducen las [...]
Researchers affiliated with the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), hosted by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, have discovered a protein involved in corn's resistance to dry weather, high temperatures, and fungal invasion.
This finding paves the way for the development of more drought-resistant plants and products that reduce losses in production at a time when global climate change threatens crop yields around the world. An [...]
The protein could help develop drought-resistant plant varieties and products that reduce losses related to climate change.
Researchers affiliated with the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), hosted by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, have discovered a protein involved in corn’s resistance to dry weather, high temperatures, and fungal invasion.
This finding paves the way for the development of more drought-resistant plants [...]
The protein could help develop drought-resistant plant varieties and products that reduce losses related to climate change.
Researchers affiliated with the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), hosted by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, have discovered a protein involved in corn’s resistance to dry weather, high temperatures, and fungal invasion.
This finding paves the way for the development of more drought-resistant plants [...]
The protein could help develop drought-resistant plant varieties and products that reduce losses related to climate change.
Researchers affiliated with the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), hosted by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, have discovered a protein involved in corn’s resistance to dry weather, high temperatures, and fungal invasion.
This finding paves the way for the development of more drought-resistant plants [...]
Researchers affiliated with the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), hosted by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, have discovered a protein involved in corn's resistance to dry weather, high temperatures, and fungal invasion.
This finding paves the way for the development of more drought-resistant plants and products that reduce losses in production at a time when global climate change threatens crop yields around the world. An [...]
Researchers affiliated with the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), hosted by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, have discovered a protein involved in corn's resistance to dry weather, high temperatures, and fungal invasion.
This finding paves the way for the development of more drought-resistant plants and products that reduce losses in production at a time when global climate change threatens crop yields around the world. An [...]
The protein, which is involved in the mechanism of the plant’s response to water and thermal stresses and to invasion by fungi, has been named DRIK1. It could help develop drought-resistant plant varieties and products that reduce losses related to climate change. Credit: Cystal of the protein DRIK1 used in the study / GCCRC)
Researchers affiliated with the Genomics for Climate Change Research Center (GCCRC), hosted by the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in the state of São [...]
- Publicado em 28 maio 2020
Um grupo de pesquisadores do Centro de Pesquisa em Genômica Aplicada às Mudanças Climáticas (GCCRC) descobriu uma proteína envolvida na resposta do milho à seca, ao aumento de temperatura e à invasão por fungos.
O achado abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de plantas mais resistentes e de produtos que diminuam as perdas na produção, no momento em que as mudanças climáticas globais ameaçam a produtividade [...]