- Publicado em 11 novembro 2019
Um inovador sistema de mapeamento genético para espécies poliploides promete facilitar o trabalho de cientistas e criadores de plantas que usam genômica para desenvolver variedades que são mais produtivos e resistentes a doenças ou secas. Poliplóides são organismos com mais de dois conjuntos de cromossomos. Muitas espécies de plantas de valor econômico, como batata, trigo, algodão e cana, são poliploides.
A pesquisa foi [...]
An innovative genetic mapping system for polyploid species promises to facilitate the work of scientists and plant breeders who use genomics to develop varieties that are more productive and resistant to disease or drought. Polyploids are organisms with more than two sets of chromosomes. Many plant species of economic value such as potato, wheat, cotton and sugarcane, are polyploids.
The research was conducted at the University of São Paulo's Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture [...]
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — An innovative genetic mapping system for polyploid species promises to facilitate the work of scientists and plant breeders, who use genomics to develop varieties that are more productive and resistant to disease or drought. Polyploids are organisms with more than two sets of chromosomes. Many plant species of great economic value, such as potato, wheat, cotton and sugarcane, are polyploids.
The research was conducted at the University of São [...]
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — An innovative genetic mapping system for polyploid species promises to facilitate the work of scientists and plant breeders, who use genomics to develop varieties that are more productive and resistant to disease or drought. Polyploids are organisms with more than two sets of chromosomes. Many plant species of great economic value, such as potato, wheat, cotton and sugarcane, are polyploids.
The research was conducted at the University of São [...]
Los poliploides son organismos con más de dos conjuntos de cromosomas. Muchas especies de plantas de valor económico, como la papa, el trigo, el algodón y la caña de azúcar, son poliploides.
La investigación se realizó en el Colegio de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz de la Universidad de São Paulo (ESALQ-USP) en Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo (Brasil), con el apoyo de la Fundación de Investigación de São Paulo [...]
An innovative genetic mapping system for polyploid species promises to facilitate the work of scientists and plant breeders, who use genomics to develop varieties that are more productive and resistant to disease or drought. Polyploids are organisms with more than two sets of chromosomes. Many plant species of great economic value, such as potato, wheat, cotton and sugarcane, are polyploids.
The research was conducted at the University of São Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of [...]
An innovative genetic mapping system for polyploid species promises to facilitate the work of scientists and plant breeders, who use genomics to develop varieties that are more productive and resistant to disease or drought. Polyploids are organisms with more than two sets of chromosomes. Many plant species of great economic value, such as potato, wheat, cotton and sugarcane, are polyploids.
The research was conducted at the University of São Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of [...]
An innovative genetic mapping system for polyploid species promises to facilitate the work of scientists and plant breeders, who use genomics to develop varieties that are more productive and resistant to disease or drought. Polyploids are organisms with more than two sets of chromosomes. Many plant species of great economic value, such as potato, wheat, cotton and sugarcane, are polyploids.
The research was conducted at the University of São Paulo’s Luiz de Queiroz College of [...]
An innovative genetic mapping system for polyploid species promises to facilitate the work of scientists and plant breeders who use genomics to develop varieties that are more productive and resistant to disease or drought. Polyploids are organisms with more than two sets of chromosomes. Many plant species of economic value such as potato, wheat, cotton and sugarcane, are polyploids.
The research was conducted at the University of São Paulo's Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture [...]
An innovative genetic mapping system for polyploid species promises to facilitate the work of scientists and plant breeders who use genomics to develop varieties that are more productive and resistant to disease or drought. Polyploids are organisms with more than two sets of chromosomes. Many plant species of economic value such as potato, wheat, cotton and sugarcane, are polyploids.
The research was conducted at the University of São Paulo's Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture [...]