Exercícios físicos, alimentação saudável e manter a mente ativa são cruciais para evitar e reduzir o impacto de doenças graves
Na tarde da sexta-feira, 6, Iris Rezende sentiu fortes dores de cabeça e, acompanhado da família, foi ao Instituto de Neurologia de Goiânia. O ex-prefeito de Goiânia e ex-governador de Goiás, de 87 anos, passou por bateria de exames e a causa das dores foi identificada: um Acidente [...]
Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), o Aacidente Vvascular Ccerebral (AVC) em conjunto com o infarto, contabilizam mais de 30% das mortes em todo o mundo. O AVC é uma doença que, na maioria das vezes, impede o retorno ao trabalho e torna os pacientes dependentes.
O Acidente Vascular Cerebral caracteriza-se pelo entupimento de uma veia no cérebro que impossibilita a circulação de sangue. Se o plasma não chegar aos tecidos, [...]
A new study has developed a novel, wearable rehabilitation device that uses virtual reality to increase brain connectivity.
The study, carried out at one of the Research Centers supported by FAPESP, has resulted in the development of the virtual reality (VR) device and has been recognised as ‘outstanding’ by the 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications.
Today, many rehabilitation programmes incorporate VR as a complement to [...]
Virtual reality-based rehabilitation programs are becoming an important complement to conventional motor therapy for stroke patients and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. Immersion in virtual environments stimulates several sensory systems, especially sight and hearing, and intensifies central nervous system information input and output.
“The technology is expected to increase brain connectivity by stimulating the new neural connections needed to repair the losses caused by [...]
Researchers have developed a novel device that incorporates virtual reality as a complement to conventional motor therapy for stroke patients and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases.
The wearable device, called Biomechanics Sensor Node (BSN), is designed to capture user data and control virtual environments.
The device, as well as a new software solution integrating the BSN with Unity Editor, a game engine and virtual world-building program, was developed as the result of a recent [...]
- Publicado em 15 dezembro 2020
Virtual reality-based rehabilitation programs are becoming an important complement to conventional motor therapy for stroke patients and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. Immersion in virtual environments stimulates several sensory systems, especially sight and hearing, and intensifies central nervous system information input and output.
“The technology is expected to increase brain connectivity by stimulating the new neural connections needed to repair the losses caused by [...]
Virtual reality-based rehabilitation programs are becoming an important complement to conventional motor therapy for stroke patients and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. Immersion in virtual environments stimulates several sensory systems, especially sight and hearing, and intensifies central nervous system information input and output.
The technology is expected to increase brain connectivity by stimulating the new neural connections needed to repair the losses caused by injury or [...]
Virtual reality (VR)-based rehabilitation programs are becoming an important complement to conventional motor therapy for stroke patients and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. Immersion in virtual environments stimulates several sensory systems, especially sight and hearing, and intensifies central nervous system information input and output.
“The technology is expected to increase brain connectivity by stimulating the new neural connections needed to repair the losses caused [...]
Virtual reality-based rehabilitation programs are becoming an important complement to conventional motor therapy for stroke patients and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. Immersion in virtual environments stimulates several sensory systems, especially sight and hearing, and intensifies central nervous system information input and output.
“The technology is expected to increase brain connectivity by stimulating the new neural connections needed to repair the losses caused by [...]
Virtual reality-based rehabilitation programs are becoming an important complement to conventional motor therapy for stroke patients and individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. Immersion in virtual environments stimulates several sensory systems, especially sight and hearing, and intensifies central nervous system information input and output.
"The technology is expected to increase brain connectivity by stimulating the new neural connections needed to repair the losses caused by [...]