Em 2025: 8 notícias
Desde 1995: 994 notícias
Cigarro electrónico altera la saliva y puede generar enfermedades bucales, revela estudio divulgado en Brasil
Publicado em 05 fevereiro 2025
SAO PAULO, 4 feb (Xinhua) -- El uso del cigarro electrónico o vapeador altera la composición de la saliva y aumentar el riesgo de enfermedades bucales, además de fortalecer la dependencia a la nicotina, reveló una investigación realizada por científicos brasileños y españoles, divulgada este martes en Brasil.
El estudio, basado en el análisis de 50 personas de entre 26 y 27 años, identificó nuevos riesgos asociados [...]
巴西首款国产登革热疫苗投产 预计年产量达百万剂
Publicado em 22 janeiro 2025【南美侨报网编译段木心1月22日报道】最近,巴西布坦坦研究所(Instituto Butantan)已开始在圣保罗州(São [...]NMQB (China) -
Partnership will bring connectivity and digital technology to pest management on small and medium-sized properties
Publicado em 20 janeiro 2025A partnership between the technology company Elsys, Embrapa Digital Agriculture, and the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of the state of São Paulo will test connectivity solutions and the use of smart traps for integrated pest management on small and medium-sized rural properties. The technical cooperation agreement, established at the end of December, should benefit rural producers in Alto Alegre, Jacupiranga, and Lagoinha. The municipalities in São Paulo are among [...]AgroPages (China) -
深耕医学研究 她成全球科研教育网奖项首位巴西获奖者 - She is deeply engaged in medical research and becomes the first Brazilian winner of the Global Research and Education Network Award
Publicado em 17 janeiro 2025【南美侨报网编译张裕1月17日报道】近日,圣保罗大学里贝朗普雷图医学院(FMRP-USP)研究员法比亚娜·科尔西·祖埃利(Fabiana Corsi [...]NMQB (China) -
有氧运动:对抗阿尔茨海默病的强大盟友 - Aerobic exercise: a powerful ally in the fight against Alzheimer's disease
Publicado em 17 janeiro 2025一项新研究发现,定期进行有氧运动可以显著降低与阿尔茨海默病相关的疾病标志物水平。 布里斯托大学 1月16日 英国 布里斯托大学 (University of Bristol)和巴西 圣保罗联邦大学 (Federal University of São Paulo)科学家领导的研究发现, 定期进行有氧运动可以显著降低与阿尔茨海默病相关的疾病标志物水平。这一发现为抗击这种破坏性疾病带来了新的希望 [...]Of Week (China) -
有氧运动:对抗阿尔茨海默病的强大盟友 - Aerobic exercise: a powerful ally in the fight against Alzheimer's disease
Publicado em 17 janeiro 2025一项新研究发现,定期进行有氧运动可以显著降低与阿尔茨海默病相关的疾病标志物水平。 布里斯托大学 1月16日 英国 布里斯托大学 (University of Bristol)和巴西 圣保罗联邦大学 (Federal University of São Paulo)科学家领导的研究发现, 定期进行有氧运动可以显著降低与阿尔茨海默病相关的疾病标志物水平。这一发现为抗击这种破坏性疾病带来了新的希望 [...]OFweek (China) -
Pesquisadores brasileiros desenvolvem tecnologia inovadora para aprimorar o cultivo de milho adaptado à seca
Publicado em 15 janeiro 2025Rio de Janeiro, 15 jan (Xinhua) -- Uma equipe de cientistas brasileiros anunciou um método inovador para identificar plantas de milho mais resistentes à seca e aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas, informou nesta segunda-feira a Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP). O método utiliza drones equipados com câmeras RGB de baixo custo e software livre, o que permite reduzir significativamente os custos e [...]Xinhua Português (China) -
Using drones accelerates genetic improvement of corn plants in search of drought tolerance
Publicado em 08 janeiro 2025Brazilian researchers are applying an innovative methodology that accelerates the selection of corn plants genetically modified to resist drought and reduces operational costs involved in the task. The technique uses drones equipped with RGB cameras to capture images of field experiments, converting them into indexes that assess the health of the plants. With this information, it is possible to quickly identify the most promising specimens and simulate their performance in different climate [...]AgroPages (China) -
Custom-Fit Bone Grafts: The Future of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery
Publicado em 31 dezembro 2024海角社区 — Craniofacial bone defects, resulting from trauma, congenital conditions, or surgical interventions, represent a major challenge in reconstructive surgery. While autogenous grafts are a common solution, they are often constrained by donor site morbidity and limited availability. These drawbacks have sparked a drive to develop synthetic grafts that closely mimic the complex structure and function of natural bone. The rise of advanced bioceramic materials, combined with [...] (China) -
研究聲稱自然界中的所有可觀察量都可以用一個常數來測量:第二個 - Research claims that all observable quantities in nature can be measured with one constant: the second
Publicado em 18 dezembro 2024一群巴西研究人員提出了一項創新提案,以解決理論物理學家之間數十年的爭論:需要多少基本常數來描述可觀測的宇宙?這裡的「基本常數」是指衡量一切事物所需的基本標準。 該研究是發表在日記中科學報告。 該小組認為,基本常數的數量取決於理論形成時空的類型。在相對論時空中,這個數字可以簡化為常數,用來定義時間的標準。這項研究是對 2002 年 Michael [...] (China)