NY Breaking (EUA)
Em 2025: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 3 notícias
Scientists find microplastics in disturbing new body part
Publicado em 18 setembro 2024
Swiss scientists have identified 3,601 toxic chemicals in products such as Tupperware, water bottles and canned food. These chemicals were found in human blood, urine, hair and breast milk.
The chemicals included Bisphenol A (BPA) and heavy metals which have been linked to cancer and reproductive problems.
Another team from Brazil made another surprising discovery. They discovered microplastics in a part of the nose that is connected to the brain. These microplastics may be linked to [...]
How intermittent fasting may raise risk of colon CANCER and the foods you should avoid on the diet By James On Aug 21, 2024
Publicado em 21 agosto 2024A study in mice found that rodents that fasted for 24 hours before eating were at “high” risk of developing pre-cancerous lesions in their intestines. This may be because the ‘refeeding' phase causes cells in the gut to become overactive, increasing the risk of cancer-causing mutations. Dr. Omer Yilmaz, a biologist at MIT who led the study, cautioned that it was not done in humans and so could not be directly compared to people. But he said the results suggest [...]ver notícia -
Mystery as Pluto-sized planet is found to have an ‘unusual’ ring of debris circling it
Publicado em 09 fevereiro 2023Astronomers have spotted a Saturn-like ring of debris around a Pluto-sized dwarf planet that they did not think was possible. The researchers said their discovery defies the current understanding of where such rings can form — because it is much further away from the small distant world than current scientific understanding would allow. Surrounding the dwarf planet Quaoar, which sits beyond Neptune, the ‘unusual’ ring calls into question how such systems [...]ver notícia