Newsbeezer (Reino Unido)
Em 2024: 0 notícias
Desde 1995: 27 notícias
Molecule found in venomous toadfish controls pneumonia in mice
Publicado em 14 junho 2023
A molecule found in the venomous toadfish Thalassophryne nattereri has been shown to control pneumonia and could be the basis for a more effective asthma drug. The research was supported by FAPESP and conducted by scientists at the Butantan Institute in São Paulo, Brazil. An article describing the results will be published in the journal cells.
A variety of fish species live in freshwater, seawater, and a mixture of both, and some of them are poisonous. They have spines or spines [...]
Rocky Mountain spotted fever: Protein identified in star tick could be a target for a future vaccine
Publicado em 14 junho 2023Study conducted at University of Sao Paulo (USP) and published in the journal parasites and vectors indicates a potential target for developing a vaccine against it Rocky Mountain spotted fever. In Brazil, the disease is caused by the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii mainly transmitted by the star tick and distributed in the Cerrado region and degraded areas of the Atlantic Forest. According to the Ministry of Health, an average of 160 cases per year have been registered over the past three [...]ver notícia -
What does vitamin D deficiency have to do with belly fat?
Publicado em 03 junho 2023Agência FAPESP – A study by researchers from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), in collaboration with University College London (UK), showed for the first time that accumulation of abdominal fat is a risk factor for insufficiency and deficiency of abdominal fat Vitamin D in people over 50 years of age. Vitamin D is considered a hormone and fulfills several functions in the body. Its deficiency can lead to various problems, such as the absorption of calcium and [...]ver notícia -
Study shows environmental context has a strong impact on drug addiction
Publicado em 01 junho 2023The environmental context plays a fundamental role in drug use and acts as a kind of trigger, according to a study involving researchers from the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), the Federal University Espírito Santo (Ufes) and the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) and Bristol (England). The group analyzed the behavior and brain structures involved in the cocaine addiction process in an animal model. The results were recently published in the journal [...]ver notícia -
Entenda a diferença entre cura do câncer e remissão da doença | São Paulo
Publicado em 31 maio 2023Segundo os médicos ouvidos pelo g1, cura é quando o câncer é totalmente erradicado, mas só se consegue saber isso depois de ao menos 5 anos sem sinal da doença. Antes disso, o termo correto é ‘remissão’. Exames mostram antes e depois de câncer de paciente; à direita, imagem mostra remissão da doença Quando falamos sobre resultados de tratamentos em pacientes com câncer, dois termos costumam [...]ver notícia -
Understand the difference between cancer cure and disease remission | Sao Paulo
Publicado em 31 maio 2023When we talk about treatment outcomes in cancer patients, two terms are often used: “remission” and “cure”. O g1 listened to experts to explain the difference between these concepts. According to Rodrigo Calado, professor of hematology at the USP’s Ribeirão Preto School of Medicine, the cure is that the cancer is completely eradicated. But you can only know that after at least five years without symptoms of illness. Before that, the correct [...]ver notícia -
Corticosteroids have been found to fight COVID-19 inflammation
Publicado em 19 maio 2023Newswise – Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, a class of corticosteroids called glucocorticoids (GCs) have emerged as one of the main treatment options, particularly in severe cases, due to their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects. Brazilian researchers have recently discovered new ways in which these drugs affect the body’s inflammatory response during infection: they increase levels of endocannabinoids (eCBs), molecules produced by the body itself that bind [...]ver notícia -
Study describes people prone to body image and eating disorders
Publicado em 07 maio 2023Based on data from two questionnaires answered by 1,750 volunteers, Brazilian researchers identified a number of traits that make a person more prone to developing mental disorders related to body image and eating habits. According to the study, the problem mainly affects women, younger people, users of fitness supplements or pharmacological substances to change body shape. Also on the list are advocates of restrictive diets, people with sedentary lifestyles, people who have been diagnosed with [...]ver notícia -
Comment les sols anciens peuvent stimuler la restauration des forêts à travers le monde
Publicado em 06 maio 2023L’ajout de terre noire amazonienne aux sols stimule la croissance des plantes, selon une étude. Selon une étude de scientifiques brésiliens publiée dans Frontiers in Soil Science, l’ajout de terre noire amazonienne (ADE) aux sols peut considérablement stimuler la croissance des plantes. L’ADE, également connue sous le nom de terra preta, est très fertile en raison de sa richesse en nutriments et en matière organique [...]ver notícia -
Unicamp researchers develop disinfectant that gels instantly
Publicado em 25 abril 2023Agency FAPESP* – Researchers at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) have developed a disinfectant that instantly turns into a gel when applied to a surface in an aqueous form. This property prevents the product from quickly running through the material, prolongs its shelf life and increases efficiency in the fight against microorganisms. On the other hand, cracks, pores and grooves can be reached that a highly viscous formulation could hardly penetrate. “The aim of the [...]ver notícia